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Christian Corporate Concepts Inc.
Mr Michael Novak
Dear Mr. Novak
Dec '97
GOD had me attend the Gaudete Lecture to hear you speak concerning
Christians and the Workplace, fully expecting a highly intellectual message.
GOD insists I love and respect all His offspring Acts17:22-31 Mat5:44
even tho very few truly seek His grace, love, power to become His children, now.
GOD allowed Adam's fall into sin, affecting us Ps51:5 Rom1; 2; 3:10-18,23 in need of
His grace, love, power to be re-established Acts14:22 2Cor6:14-18 in Him 1Jn3:6,9; 5.
GOD's redemption plan is to all truly believing and truly obeying, ever copying Christ
1Jn2:6; yet you teach fallen man is GOD's image, 100% contrary to Him and His word.
GOD's redemption plan restores us to His holy, pure, perfect nature, copying Gen17:1 Mat5:48
that His characteristics walk and work, here and now; a question you ineptly secularized.
GOD's redemption plan requires qualified Bible believers be living and teaching all
truth that His family grow to know Him Jn14, then grow to union Jn15, then endure forever.
GOD's redemption plan is not vain philosophy Col2:8 James4:4 but obedient faith in
His grace, love, power to Mat1:21 Rom3:24-26 if Rom4:12-16 into 5:1,2 till Rom8:23-25.
 Robert Bristow
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