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Christian Community Churches Inc.

Christian Community Churches Inc.

Gal1..4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of GOD and our Father. (Note Mat6:13)
Mat1..21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save His people from their sins.
Heb12..15 Looking diligently lest any man lack the grace of GOD; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble and thereby many be defiled;
16 Lest there any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. (Note Rom9:13)

Dec '95
GOD delivers a few
GOD in Gal1:4 says "He might deliver," no guarantee as satan teaches
(Stowell Mar'95) leading believers into a false security.
GOD in Gal1:4 says "deliver...from...evil," as Mat1:21, but satan teaches
it's impossible to cease, stop active, willful sin, so most believers never soul saved.
GOD's truth is simple to a few: He can and will deliver if we diligently believe and obey,
but most reject His offer as did Esau.
GOD's work from May '88 thru Bible based CCCInc. will network all
Christ-centered churches, companies, hospitals, schools and more.
GOD will qualify all participating thru annual tests; Jesus ruling,
judging His institutions globally to fulfill His promises NOW!
GOD will effect a true repeat of Acts2:42-47; 5:42; 26:18 with His dictated Bible studies,
growing babes to children to young men to fathers 1Jn.
GOD grows our belief/faith thru obedience: most obey not, so never grow in belief/faith,
proving Rom2:13; 3:31; 7:12 Jm1:22; 2.
GOD's family: mouth belief of mere basic facts, anointed believing into Him,
holy as/in/of Him; so only latter 3rd His own, righteous, saints, true Jews.
GOD has billions at 1Cor12:3, some at Jn14 1Cor12:7, but a handful at Jn15 1Cor12:13,
proving Jer23 Mat23 is the current church failing to obey His word.
GOD is 2Sam5:5 Acts15:16 Heb8:2; 12:22-24 to fulfil Eph5:26,27
then Is10 Ps1:5 1Pet4:18 Rev3:9 2Thes1:8-10 as no disobedience(sin) abides in Him.
 Robert Bristow
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[see Elders: Sep '95 4 of 4]