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Christian Community Churches Inc.
Sep '95
GOD demands we obey
GOD, in Gen-Rev, demands we obey His voice; most believers ignore, happy in sin,
forever lost, bound.
GOD, in N.T., clearly says obey just to be born again, Jn14 1Pet1:22,23 1Jn2:3,27,
yet still bound, apart from Christ, dead.
GOD, in Gen-Rev, clearly says obey as Abraham, Christ, to qualify to be
His children Jn15 1Jn2:6; 3-5, Spirit led to live in Him.
GOD commanded Paul to Jerusalem Acts18:21; again 20:16,22,23, despite suffering
Paul insists 20:24, to obey His voice.
GOD tested Paul Acts21:4,11,12 but Paul obeyed 21:13,14 by working faith
Phil2:12; 3, so justified Gal3; 5:6,18.
GOD, in '83, commanded(3 times) I trust Him; knowing in my spirit I had to obey
to see eternal life Mat19:17 Heb5:9.
GOD, in '83-'85 tested my faith thru church and family rejection, abuse,
beatings, frostbite, prisons, knowing His grace, love, power sustains me.
GOD, from '88, is changing the world,
 enabling Acts15:16 thru true repentance
or ceasing all sin.
GOD allowed Yugoslavia and Rwanda as microcosms of current church failure
to obey and teach all His word.
GOD in flesh, Christ, "learned obedience, became perfect" Heb2:10; 5:8,9
to be the perfect Lamb of GOD.
GOD demands we copy Christ Mat5:48 Jn17 Col1:28; 4:12 Jm1:4 1Pet5:10
into His death Rom6 to abide.
GOD afflicts His anointed to correct, prove, purge, try, unite, thru Job Acts14:22
but most fail His grace, love, power.
GOD afflicts, chastens, refines, renews, transforms us into
1Cor1:30; 2; 6:11,19,20; 12:13-27 into 2Cor3:18.
GOD afflicts to qualify, teach us overcoming, partaking, patience,
rejoicing for Him and His glory only.
 Robert Bristow
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