GOD's enemies
bring weakness and destruction
GOD often uses sinners to share the truth:
witness; "Winning the Future," whereby
GOD warns us that casting Him aside
brings chaos and death.

"The fight over whether or not our rights come from our Creator is much more real and much more vivid and has become intense."
He writes in his book. "We must re-establish that our rights come from our Creator and that an America that has driven GOD out of the public arena is an America on the way to decay and defeat."

by Newt Gingrich
Read: Lynn Sweet in Chicago Sun-Times Feb 23 2005.
GOD graced Russia
to implement His freedom principles
for 2 x 7 years ('89-'03), but Russia rejected His way,
so Russia is dying.
[Freedom's Enemies]
Focus on the Family: a true focus

1Cor6..9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of GOD? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminates, nor homosexuals.
18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.

GOD in Ex20:14 and Deut5:18 clearly forbade adultery, then in Wisdom3 and Sirach23
explains the extent of this common sin, adversely affecting the illegitimate forever.
GOD in 2Chr7:14 provides for forgiveness, the true meaning of Jesus' words in Jn8:3-11,
repent, turn, "sin no more," till true remission Acts2:38 Rom3:25 into 1Jn3:6.
GOD rarely offers special grace (notwithstanding Jn1:17) to bastards, in compliance
with Wisdom3 and Sirach23, spiritually lost, bound, cast out, so eternally cursed Gal4:22-31.

Wis3..16 But the children of adulterers will not reach maturity, and the seed of unlawful union will be destroyed.
17 For even if they attain length of life, they will be of no account, and in the end their old age will be without honour.
18 And if their end come swiftly, they will be without hope or consolation on the day of decision.

Sir23..22 So also with the woman who is unfaithful to her husband, and offers as heir her son by a stranger.
23 First, she has disobeyed the law of the Most High; second, she has wronged her husband; third, in her wanton adultery she has raised up children by another man.
24 Such a woman will be dragged before the assembly, and her punishment will extend to her children.
25 Her children will not take root, her branches will not bring forth fruit.
26 She will leave an accursed memory, her disgrace will never be blotted out.

[CCCInc. family #1 info links]
GOD is showing us
the truth, the facts and figures
about illegitimacy's curses.

    Criminality is the most extreme manifestation of the unsocialized young male. Another is the proportion of young males who choose not to work. Among black males ages 20-24, for example, the percentage who were not working or looking for work when the first numbers were gathered in 1954 was 9%. That figure grew during the 1960s and 1970s, stabilizing at around 20% during the 1980s. The proportion rose again, reaching 30% in 1999.
    Why has the proportion of unsocialized young males risen so relentlessly? In large part, I would argue, because the proportion of young males who have grown up without fathers has also risen relentlessly. The indicator here is the illegitimacy ratio -- the percentage of live births that occur to single women. It was a minuscule 4% in the early 1950s, and it has risen substantially in every subsequent decade. The ratio reached the 25% milestone in 1988 and the 33% milestone in 1999. As of 2003, the figure was 35% -- of all births, including whites. The black illegitimacy ratio in 2003 was 68%. By way of comparison: The illegitimacy ratio that caused Daniel Patrick Moynihan to proclaim the breakdown of the black family in the early 1960s was 24%.

Unsocialised people frequently go to jail.

    When Ronald Reagan took office, 0.9% of the population was under correctional supervision. That figure has continued to rise. When crime began to fall in 1992, it stood at 1.9%. In 2003 it was 2.4%. Crime has dropped, but criminality has continued to rise.

Excerpted from "The Hallmark of the Underclass"
WSJ - Sept 29, 2005 by Charles Murray.
Mr. Murray, W.H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute,
is the author, most recently, of "Human Accomplishment" (HarperCollins, 2003).
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Baby Killing Confession
from The New York Times Magazine 7-18-04
GOD, sometime ago, pointed out to us that no one
ever goes to a hospital to have their new fetus delivered,
that's absolutely absurd -- from conception a baby is coming.
GOD is the indisputable owner of His creation, He owns us, so
destruction of His creation is a clear sin against the Creator,
but man has free will to obey-respect His law or disobey.
GOD's basic laws thru Moses and His higher love laws thru
the Christ are for our well-being, transgression brings upon
us an internal disharmony-distress along with a troubled heart.
Rom2:9 Tribulation and anguish,
on every soul of man who does evil.
The lady giving the above confession was co-habiting and became
pregnant with triplets, whereupon she selfishly chose to kill two
and keep only one, even though her friend wanted all three.
When returning from the doctor after deciding to kill two babies,
her own words prove Rom2:9, as "all of sudden, I felt ill" then
it "seemed like a very unnatural experience." GOD's wake-up call.
Regretably, the lady proceeded with the killing of twins, but shortly
later her conscience troubled her, "I had a recurring feeling that
this [would] haunt me" and "becoming pregnant again is terrifying."
[Cultural Centers directory]
GOD Continues Gen1:27
GOD creates male and female
today as He did in Genesis and calls them to,
"Be fruitful and multiply...," His natural process.
GOD is having Alan Keyes obsessed with Genesis (Chicago Sun-Times
interview Aug 22 2004) to truly comprehend His holy truth and share.
GOD-given free will to honour GOD or their own lust Rom1 1Cor6+7
was partially explained by Keyes on Edwards' radio program recently.

Q: "If, in fact, as some scientific studies suggest, that being homosexual is, in fact, biologically determined, what then would be wrong with granting rights, and even the right to marry?"
A: "First, no study has made such a determination. . . . And I say that unequivocally. I've looked at the question many times. Second, we are all in a certain sense genetically and biologically predisposed to a kind of sexual promiscuity. We want to engage and indulge our sexual appetites in ways that have no respect for basic human requirements, conventions, family responsibilities and so forth. That's not just true of homosexual people. That's true of heterosexual people. Healthy, red-blooded males who are sexually attracted to every attractive woman they see, and vice versa.
"We as human beings cannot assert that our sexual drive is uncontrollable. If we do, civilization is ended. These are not things we can't control. Our passions are precisely subject to our moral will and our rationality. That's what makes us human. So if you're going to tell me that the sexual impulse of anybody -- not just homosexuals -- is uncontrollable and you've got to do it, then you have removed us from the realm of human moral choice and you have consigned us to the realm of instinctive necessity and animal nature. And we are not there. I will not deny our humanity.
"So I think that in this area as in all the areas of passion: our anger, our greed, our resentment, our jealousy -- these are all passions that can be very strong in us but which we know must be disciplined and regulated by our moral will for the sake of conscience and human community. And we have to expect that of one another. Do you realize that the very idea of freedom and self-government is absurd if we are, in fact, subject to uncontrollable passions? Then we're not free. We're slaves to our passions. But that's not so. We believe in this country, in liberty, in . . . true moral choice. And that moral choice is possible with respect to sexual action to such a degree you don't even have to engage in sexual activity. You can refrain from it altogether, if you think that is required by the dictates of moral conscience. And that capacity shouldn't be denied in any human being. And I don't think it's a question of homosexual or heterosexual. It's a question of humanity."

GOD's inerrant word is rarely, fully believed, so very few qualify
into Jn3:15,16 "believing into Him," to attain life, to be saved.