P.S. to Betsy Hart: from Heritage file
GOD is awakening your heart to truth, in that your Sun-Times piece of June 6th '04 tells us that you are just now realising the great gulf of America's cultural divide.
GOD is judging this nation, as never before, to respond to His law, His values,
His way, in short, His full gospel.
GOD, progressively, will drive a wedge between the moral seekers and those
on the left who care only for individual rights. This will continue for some years
(several presidential elections), then He will take away His grace to test-judge
USA very clearly (in the open) 2Chronicles32:31 Jeremiah23 Ezekiel34 Matthew23
into Rev19:15.
GOD always judges "teachers" more harshly, in that they KNOW and are supposed to share ALL; this, today, particularly applies to the media.
GOD in flesh, Christ, was the most positive MAN who walked this earth;
negative attitudes, laws, ways are of satan.
GOD, for some years, will infuse a positive stream thru US society, as seen in
the 80's: Note The Wall Street Journal's "The Reagan Restoration" - June 7, '04,
to see the vast left wing negative, destructive media today that are misleading USA.