Dear Jeanne and Cory,
I have lovingly remembered you many times and am now writing to you both in love. I have previously put down the desire to write to you, not sure of what I could or should say, though clearly I have had you on my heart. Hayley told me that you were expecting your first son, Jesse and are probably delivered by now. Praise God for these little ones! I am enjoying being "gamey" to Chloe and Isaiah; its a blessing to have them live near at this time. Rick and I did not buy the house in the country :) We are still in the apartment. We are beginning the third year here...waiting. It's my desire to follow the Holy Spirit and have felt no leading in making a move. I am leaving that decision up to Rick. About a year before Hayley and Casey were married I felt this very strong sense that God was about to reveal some GREAT thing to me...I could almost see it. I tried to tell others about it and only Hayley and Casey really listened. It was at the same time the Lord healed me, and I know it now to be the anointing. I was struggling at the Nazarene church. I remember back to a Wednesday night prayer meeting after my anointing, I quite simply said that the bible was really ALIVE and that the Lord spoke to me...even the preacher laughed. Though they said they believed me, I knew they didn't understand. I knew there was SO MUCH MORE. Though I continued studying and praying there with them another year, I found very few who even had a clue about the things the Lord was showing me. I began to see darkness shrouding those who claimed Christianity and felt at the time the Lord was helping me to discern spirits. I was thankful when my husband Rick was experiencing similar feelings of dissatisfaction with the church and we left. When Casey and Hayley presented me with the TRUTH and I started reading CCC's web site about the 3-part church, I knew it was the revelation I had been waiting for. While Casey and Hayley have always been a valuable source of encouragement, I follow only the Holy Spirit. I know that the Spirit will teach me all things. Likewise when they were a part of the CCC fellowship, I never felt a drawing there...or with THT. Casey really wanted me to start a bible study with one of the ladies at that church, but I never felt the Spirit's leading. Though I assume little acts of obedience daily, I go through long periods where I'm not certain what the Lord wants of me. I continue to walk in faith. I'm not certain that you care to hear my story, but I really wanted to write to you, and desire to hear from you as well. I miss seeing you both and ALWAYS think of you and your family with love. Hayley often says, "I really miss Cory and Jeanne".
Peace- Pamela