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Christian Community Churches Inc.

Christian Community Churches Inc.

Dear Jorge,
May '00
GOD's "Unseen" Universe
GOD's universe or kosmos had a beginning and has an end; clearly seen
or stated in/throughout His holy word, but the theorists do not believe Him.
GOD's eternal agenda uses 1/10th only, thru all time, to glorify His name;
leaving 90% in the dark or unseen, tho the theorists know it is there.
GOD's Gen1 act, fact, truth of gathering or coalescing a part of the incandescent
vapours amounts to 10%, or vapours "under the expanse called Heaven" being gathered.
GOD's creating process did not gather vapours above the expanse called Heaven, the
subject of much debate by the theorists, trying to measure the dark or unseen 90%.
GOD's creating process reveals His divine order, proving His Being Rom1, yet denied
by most theorists who in ignorant disbelief pursue creation fact rather than Col1:16.
GOD's creating process nurtures humankind to fulfill His purpose by sharing technology
till the current global civilization is closed Mat24, ending man's progress in technology.
GOD's creating process culminates with His holy tenth being resurrected into His glory,
literally changing 1/10th into spirit beings, so receiving full salvation as did Christ.

[civilization is closed]

[CCCInc. family #2 info links]

[full salvation]  [His holy tenth]