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Christian Community Companies Inc.

Christian Community Companies Inc.

Dear Cory,

July 21st '00
GOD has had me use Kinko's since 1987, mainly Greektown from '88,
but never, till the new manager, have I been disrupted in my work.
GOD had me share in many ways; cleaning, fixing machines, helping many
Kinko's clients do their cut + paste or operate machines, ever in love.
GOD insisted I never evangelize, but be willing to share details of CCCInc.
if asked about my work, so always at peace with others in the store.
GOD had me question staff and customers to authenticate the new manager's
claims about me, but none could be verified as true, so 100% bias-bigotry.

Ps109:.. 2 For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful have opened against me; they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
  3 They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, and fought against me without a cause.
  4 In return for my love they are my accusers, but I pray.

cc   Mr. Scott Miller
       Kinko's N. Wells
Note:  Aug '00  GOD has begun His judgment of the new manager.
Mr. Scott Miller
Kinko's, Chicago
July 26, 2000

My name is Jorge Vargas. I have been a customer of the Kinko's on Van Buren for the last five years while a student at the University of Illinois at Chicago and as a recent graduate of the university that currently holds a temporary part-time job at 322 S. Green St. (one block away from the store). My use of the store has included personal photocopying, professional resume generation that aided my successful post-graduate employment search (to start in August, 2000), and use of the computers.
For the past six to seven months, I have been meeting with Robert Bristow at Kinko's to discuss various aspects of Biblical Scripture, faith and GOD's good work. Our meetings usually took place 4 - 5 days a week from 5:00 - 6:00PM. During these meetings, we would occupy a small, non-computer workstation 10 - 15 feet away from the computer workstations. This was so we would not disrupt the normal operations of the store.
On July 20th, my sister-in-law, Diana Duarte, met with Mr. Bristow and I at the store. We spoke on various aspects concerning the Scriptures. The only others within this section of the store were the store manager and another customer. Both were seated at separate computer workstations.
The conversation between Mrs. Duarte, Mr. Bristow and I was no different from any other occasion. In fact, it was very similar in length and sound to a conversation that could be heard in any restaurant. No person in the store showed any signs of hearing our conversation or being disturbed by our conversation. In fact, in the time Mr. Bristow and I have held meetings at the store, we have never had anyone complain to us of being disturbed by our meetings.
In addition to holding our meetings there, Mr. Bristow and I use the products available to customers and pay for those services when the meetings adjourn. I have also seen Mr. Bristow voluntarily assist other customers when they have asked for assistance.
For much of the time that I have been a customer at Kinko's, I have been satisfied with the products and services as well as the customer service. This is why I am surprised at the action taken by the current manager at the Van Buren store. I also understand that this action is a violation of Kinko's policy and free marketplace expression. If this is the case, I sincerely hope that you will investigate this manner and take whatever appropriate steps are needed to rectify this matter.

Thank You,
Jorge Vargas
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Christian Community Companies Inc.

Christian Community Companies Inc./ Kinko's

Mr. Scott Miller,
Kinko's, Chicago
July 23rd '00
Greektown store
Following the new manager's claims I became very cautious
concerning my very words, lest I even sound religious.
Consequently when Jorge and his sister-in-law came to see me
on Thursday 20th I felt quite intimidated and afraid
to speak normally, lest I offend the new manager nearby.
Nonetheless, on Friday at 0700 the new manager clearly
stated I was no longer welcome in the store to
meet friends or colleagues for any type of discussion.
The next meeting with Jorge was Monday 24th 1700hrs,
to discuss developments in several states; HI, IL, MI etc;
this time we used the sidewalk outside the store.
When the meeting was concluded I re-entered the
store, paid my bill, and departed the store at 1800hrs.

Robert Bristow
Heb12:14..pursue peace with all
PS The Canal store, on 3 occasions, declared the Greektown manager
acted against Kinko's policy and free marketplace expression,
and encouraged our custom, along with other abused clients.
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Christian Community Companies Inc.

Christian Community Companies Inc.

Mr. Joe Hardin,
Ventura, Ca
Aug 14th '00
Greektown store
On Saturday Aug12th, my work took me to visit Kinko's, Greektown, then
attended by Joel, and the new manager who was eliminating a workstation
used daily by various clients.
When I greeted Joel and said a few words, the new manager rebuked me,
telling me "not to speak to the staff;" so I proceeded to clear another
workstation, receiving another rebuke as "outside my responsibility."
This hateful, irrational behaviour has become the norm at this store,
but worse, the allowance-condoning by Scott Miller is jeopardising
Kinko's integrity as a customer service oriented corporation in USA.
Having lived in 4 countries, starting 3 new business ventures in Japan,
UK and USA, and proved successful in service to others along with each
venture being profitable, I counsel you to revamp your MIT screening.
Robert Bristow

Pr29:2.. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked rules, the people groan.