From: Alex Poole
Date: Saturday, August 23, 2003 09:44:59 PM
To: Jorge Vargas
Subject: This is your Final Notice - Revised

As Robert said today, Elul 6 starts Sept 3rd. The LORD made it plain through further discussion, that you have 10 days to tighten up all the areas that you know are out of line, or else you will be purged as Cory, Keith and Tony were, not so long ago. This is critical, GOD has an agenda and HE will perform it as HE wishes. If the people initially selected to do a job don't perform as expected, they will be replaced. This is just as much a warning to you as it is to me and anyone else that wants to come on board.
GOD also showed that I am partially to blame because I failed to be the manager that I should have been. I grew weary of telling you over and over that you must get up on time, only to watch you fail to heed the exhortation and accept sin. This was due to my lack of perseverance. Because of this, I too have become subject to the same evil spirits of mediocrity, complacency and laziness that you have been allowing to hold you back for some time. This entire situation is why I have been having difficulty for the past 2+ weeks, gradually losing power and focus on what I am supposed to be doing. Tho I failed in not exhorting/warning you properly as of late, you are the only one who determines if Jorge will do what GOD is asking him to do. The LORD spoke to you 3 times from Scripture confirming that the outcome is up to you. As you were told several Sabbath's ago, you have options.
So you need to examine carefully the option placed before you now. From today onwards, you need to become ever so diligent in all the things placed before you by the Almighty, to continue with CCCInc. beyond Elul 6 '03. I would suggest that you pray and consider that the LORD may also want you to qualify yourself at Jn14 before the start of Elul 6. If the LORD gives you the answers to the test(s) between now and then, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the LORD is pleased with your effort and has commissioned you to go forth with us. If you choose not to step up and heed this final warning, you will be purged. Whether or not the LORD brings you back at some point in the future is totally in HIS care.
So what will you choose? Your logs, summaries and output will tell the story.

Aug 30th '03   

Based on your performance this week, it is obvious that you didn't take GOD's warning seriously. GOD spoke to you 3 times from Scripture, encouraging you to seek HIS power to overcome the wiles of the evil one, yet you refused. The LORD may continue to work with you, but HE has chosen to do so apart from fellowship with Robert and myself. Again, the choice is up to you, turn and live, or join the others that have been purged and may never return.

Alex P.