To: Bruce Boardman []
Date: 12/29/05 09:33:05

The Boardroom Connection

Dec 2005
cc Goldman Sachs list
cc Eric Uner - B.T.
Innovate or Die - IT
GOD's recent gift to man is without a single patent as He led man to
experiment-innovate-research till the internet (as a mere "toy")
was developed, but from the core protocol to sloppy software, it is still
riddled with flaws.
GOD's new internet will be developed by highly skilled Jn14 level types
who hear and obey His voice to write flawless code, to design Hydra-like
, as He led Joseph (Imhotep) in Egypt, enabling a secure tool
be hacker and virus proof.
GOD's qualified work-force only will have access to His new internet,
thus ensuring maximum security for global institutional leasing,
so eliminating the current loss of $ billions, the loss of data, the loss
of productivity that the "toy" produces.
in Christ's love,
                  Robert Bristow
Innovate or Die - GE, Wal-Mart
[Companies directory
for complete 14 page file]

Additions: Jan 2006
[Bodacion Technologies' Hydra]
[GOD's Special Nurturing]
[Printable version]
File url:
Inspired IT Services Home Page
Managing and Marketing
Efficiency Technologies
Responsible Software - Secure Code
GOD is increasingly exposing flawed software and in particular
He is forcing manufacturers to produce responsible, secure code,
as in Boeing aircraft, for all computer applications-services.
GOD's free-market principles will expose and dispose of greed,
sloth and waste in His participating companies to manifest
His virtues thru His marketplace rule to affect all mankind.
GOD's secure system will include a superior, CCCInc. operated
web with flawless protocol, to ensure secure data flow-storage,
enabling CCCInc. and clients 100% secure business operations.
GOD will use Jn14 level Bible believers min., to ensure only qualified
operators have access to the CCCInc. web to optimise security, so
avoiding human sabotage, theft, etc., all to eliminate the waste of $ billions.
[GOD's New Thing]
[GOD's latter days covenant]
[Cultural Implant]
[qualified operators]
[Jn14 level or born again]
[IITS Home page]
[Printable version]
[IITS directory]
[Isaiah 9:6,7]
[GOD's Power thru Unity]
Inspired IT Services Home Page
Managing and Marketing
Efficiency Technologies
GOD is showing us
the corruption, negligence, waste
in the IT marketplace by failing to install Hydra.
2005 worst year
for breaches of computer security

   At least 130 reported breaches have exposed more than 55 million Americans to potential ID theft this year. Security experts warn that wayward personal data, such as Social Security and credit card numbers, could end up in the hands of criminals and feed a growing problem.

GOD is showing us
the IT experts have no current plan,
no ongoing strategy to fight the evil cyber crime,
by installing Hydra.

   The onslaught is likely to continue unless corporations reallocate security spending to better identify and block online threats, says Abe Kleinfeld, CEO of computer-security firm nCircle.

Excerpted from USA Today Dec 29, 2005 by Jon Swartz
Note comments from Paul Kurtz of CSIA
and Andy Purdy of DHS' Nat'l Cyber Security.
Read Tony Kontzer and Larry Greenemeier
in Information Week - Jan 2, 2006
as a result
the global marketplace is currently satisfied
with corrupted, destructive, inept, irresponsible, sloppy,
100% unprofessional software,
the likes of Boeing and Motorola
demand flawless (perfect) code for their products
that their products and contingent services operate efficiently,
the planes would be in the ground and the phones useless,
Boeing and Motorola along with their partners
will continue to develop innovative products and services
to maximise new technological applications and marketplace potential,
to benefit
responsible manufacturers, end-users and corporate ROI,
and bring
GOD Almighty His full praise and glory.
Richard Shakarian [];
Laurie Lischke []; Kay Rogers [];
Diane Fink []; Joan Bennett []
Date: 12/21/05 08:35:33

Richard Shakarian - FG Intl.
Aglow Admin
Dec 2005
cc Goldman Sachs list
GOD's work-force must be qualified
GOD's qualifying criteria, process, worthiness to grow from mere mouth
believers into anointed-lukewarm-ungodly requires initial obedience,
copying the early disciples Jn14 Acts1:8; 2; 5:32; 9 1Jn2:20-27 to attain
true born again level Jn3:7 1Pet1:22,23,
an essential first step to be,
GOD's business management level, His church e-p-t, His service workers
(counselors, doctors, nurses, teachers, etc.), thru hearing His voice-His commands
in/thru the Spirit 1Pet1:22 to know and do the truth-the word in accordance
with His true-pure agenda, His plan, His will,
a process of learning-growing
thru the fire Ps66:8-12 Zech13:9 Mal3:3 Lk3:16
Job33 Acts14:22
abiding in Him,
to be,
GOD's business-ministry directors-elders in CCCInc. 7 companies
if they endure Mark13:13 Heb3:6,14.
in Christ's love,
Robert Bristow
[Concepts directory for
complete 14 page file]

[GOD's earlier messages to FG]
[Printable version]

Unless the LORD builds the house,
they labour in vain who build it. Ps127:1

"... this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." Mat24:14

GOD is fulfilling
His own word, in that,
no Internet patent exists, as it was
developed by gov't, universities, and individuals
as they took concept, into protocol, into data flow, for the
initial, vastly flawed system that must be perfected by GOD's people,
as the LORD works His gift for His gospel and the benefit of humankind globally.
All Inspired Companies are subsidiaries of Christian Community Companies Inc.,
and fund Christian Community Churches Inc. with 50% of R.O.I.
for arts, farms, medical, rehab, schools, etc.
Inspired IT Services Home Page
Incorporated in Delaware
12539 So. Loomis, Calumet Park, IL 60827
Managing and Marketing Efficiency Technologies
     Hydra WIPS
Tawny Tomory
Account Executive
RCG Information Technology
Schaumburg, IL
Mar 2004
True Security
Your company needs to offer-promote IT infrastructure
that rids the marketplace of planned obsolescence
along with ensuring true security for all IT users.
Your company needs to insist all IT code is flawless,
never requiring patches
, so built-produced maintenance free,
as Bodacion Technologies' Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System.
Your company needs to offer customers the world's only
hacker-proof, virus-proof, worm-proof WIPS of Hydra to fully
secure their networks in space and on earth, to be Responsible.
Your company's long term viability depends upon you sharing
efficiency technologies to benefit the world, to eliminate waste,
to turn the internet from a toy into a professional marketplace tool.
Your company needs to develop a passion to change-innovate.
Looking forward to serving you.
Alexander Poole
Bodacion Technologies' Hydra is the world's only Hacker-proof, virus-proof,
worm-proof, Trojan horse-proof web intrusion prevention system.
Inspired I.T. Services Inc. is a subsidiary of Christian Community Companies Inc.,
to fund Church institutions thru 50% of R.O.I.
Inspired IT Services Home Page
Tawny Tomory
Account Executive
RCG Information Technology
Schaumburg, IL
Mar 2004
Page 2

Negligent Employee, Mar 03, '04
In a discussion with an international network programmer working
for B of A, I was made aware of just how easily internal/global
systems can be compromised, damaged, destroyed from the inside by
corrupted PCs, roaming laptops and negligent to malicious attitudes.
This particular employee continues to use his corrupted PC, despite
a cursory Norton check that failed to identify the corruption, also
verbally despising and disdaining the B of A's internal security.
Robert, CEO
Current IT marketplace negligence
requires speedy innovation to
avoid class action suits.
Bodacion Technology's Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System    to see Hydra's technical detail
Full Value I.T. Products, Corporate Leadership, and Responsible Producers:
Microsoft Philosophy and Theft
Flawless IT code/ Never requiring patches
Inspired IT Services Home Page
Incorporated in Delaware
12539 So. Loomis, Calumet Park, IL 60827
Managing and Marketing Efficiency Technologies
     Hydra WIPS
Walter Mossberg
Wall Street Journal
South Brunswick, NJ
Mar 2004
Full Security for Web Users
Your company is yet to benefit from the foremost responsible producer
of web intrusion prevention systems, as built by Bodacion Technologies
to operate flawlessly, to protect your company's complete
web-site/network/global supply chain from evil hacker attacks.
Your company needs the world's most secure system to counter
the endless flaws from the greedy, inept, unprofessional software
producers plaguing the global IT market -- totally irresponsible --
which is costing society as a whole untold $ billions in waste.
Your company is yet to benefit from true ethics in the marketplace
or full moral behavior by suppliers fully (100%) committed
to product development co-operation and education, and
also needs to practice corporate leadership to eliminate waste.
Looking forward to serving you.
Alexander Poole
Bodacion Technologies' Hydra is the world's only Hacker-proof, virus-proof,
worm-proof, Trojan horse-proof web intrusion prevention system.
Inspired I.T. Services Inc. is a subsidiary of Christian Community Companies Inc.,
to fund Church institutions thru 50% of R.O.I.
Inspired IT Services Home Page
Walter Mossberg
Wall Street Journal
South Brunswick, NJ
Mar 2004
Page 2
Your ISP or web hosting service
needs Hydra for True Security.

Taken from
Bodacion Technology's Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System    to see Hydra's technical detail
Full Value I.T. Products, Corporate Leadership, and Responsible Producer:
Portraits of Evil IT and IT Plagues
Portraits of Evil IT and IT Plagues
feared by "security experts" ...

GOD, from the beginning, gives us free will
to do good or evil, so it is today with the
internet, some use it for good, yet others
wish to abuse-destroy it, while some are idle.
Read: Clive Thompson in NYT Magazine
"The Virus Underground" - Sunday, February 8, 2004.

    Viruses, worms, and Trojan horses have the most measurable negative economic impact of all forms of attack. The Code Red worm, for example, attacked somewhere between 400,000 and 800,000 Web servers in the first three months from its discovery.

The worldwide economic impact of this worm alone, according to USA Today, is $2.1 billion and rising. Given the damage done and potential damage they can do in the future, it seems reasonable for any system to spend considerable resources in the defense against these attacks.

The above is excerpted from "Virus Filtering using Protocol Analysis",
Bodacion Technologies,
...yet these so-called experts shun innovation,
so, in truth, become complicit in the global IT plagues.
Microsoft Theft
proves the internet needs Hydra
GOD allowed the recent theft of Microsoft source code to
prove the current producers are irresponsible and fail to
adequately secure their own property, at a huge cost to all.

"Release of Windows Coding Is a New Worry for Microsoft" by John Markoff,
The New York Times - Sunday, February 14, 2004.
"Pirated Windows Source Code Sparks Security Fears" by Reuters,
Investor Business Daily - Wednesday, February 17, 2004.
...because of the above
the Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System
is absolutely essential for Full/Total network Security.
Scott Ambler []
Ron Anderson []
Vincent Auricchio []
Amit Asaravala []
Andrew Blackman []
Bruce Boardman []
Jeanette Borzo []
Joel Dreyfuss []
Gary K. Evans []
Robert H. Frank []
Curtis Franklin Jr. []
Alex L. Goldfayn []
Lee Gomes []
Larry Greenemeier []
Sandra Guy []
Nancy Hammervik []
Patrick Hinojosa []
Neville Howard []
Les Johnson []
MaryFran Johnson []
Chris Johnston []
Gopal K. Kapur []
Warren Keuffel []
Jim Kirk []
Abe Kleinfeld []
Tony Kontzer []
Jason Krause []
Kevin Maney []
Walter Mossberg []
Niel Nickolaisen []
Larry O'Brien []
David Pogue []
Rob Preston []
Aaron Ricadela []
Mike Riley []
Stephanie Stahl []
Michael Totty []
Eric Uner []
Jon Van []
Lawrence M. Walsh []
Tim Wilson []
Michael Ybarra []
Becky Yerak []