Christian Community Companies Inc.
Christian Community Companies Inc.
True Value IT Services
from Responsible Producers
Responsible Producers adhere to basic business principles
in offering true service and full value, 100% contrary to most
US producers who practice greed, planned obsolescence + waste.
Responsible Producers develop, market, install the latest technology,
integrate upgrades, practice voluntary co-operation for full
or maximum customer satisfaction, and pursue full marketplace potential.
Responsible Producers are active in conservation of resources,
in eliminating waste, in establishing innovative technology quickly,
in full service-value education, in moral behaviour, to be Responsible.
Note the IBD article Nov 5th '03 "Innovate or Die," but
in particular its companion article wherein most shun innovation
and then "few companies ever grow successfully, repeatedly" long term.
Also note the Chicago Sun-Times - Tuesday, January 22, 2004 article
wherein the Hydra WIPS is totally rejected for evil reasons, even by
parts of the US government, so using destructive, dysfunctional systems
instead of the latest, most secure technology available.