When we arrived at the church, we all held hands and prayed expectantly, then went inside. We were truly expecting GOD to move; to bring revival, perform miracles, healings, acts of forgiveness, etc. Everyone except myself entered into the sanctuary and sat down. For reasons unknown to me, The Lord would not let me enter into the sanctuary. I stood and waited in the foyer, and Alex came out. We talked until I looked at the bulletin board in front of us and one of the postings on a nearby bulleting board that said, "second stage." Understanding that this was GOD's official second CCCInc. meeting (the first being held 4/17/99, exactly 42 months earlier), I knew that GOD was saying He was taking His development of CCCInc. into the "second stage." He then let me enter into the sanctuary.**
[**Note: GOD is just now showing that this, in itself, is also symbolic, in that it represents the drawing of His corporate, end-times work into the "second of three stages"; i.e., the sanctuary being representative of the second part of GOD's 3-part church, or the Jn14-anointed level of faith, as in Heb8:2a. The point then, is that He is indicating a corporate parallel to His soul-saving work in individuals. These three parts (indwelling, filling, sealing), are also paralleled in Jesus' life, the "second stage" of which clearly began at Luk4:14. GOD is clearly saying, just now, that His work in CCCInc. is presently at Mat4:3, in the beginning of 18 weeks of testing, and will arrive at Luk4:14 in April '03.]
We had arrived at exactly the right time, again proving His Spirit's leading. The first worship song, entitled "I Can Only Imagine", was already being sung. GOD used the song to really touch me emotionally, as He has in the past. During the song, He clearly told me to go the front near the stage and bow down in worship. When I did, I let out a passionate minute-long prayer in tongues, followed by some deep, therapeutic tears. He then had me get up and return to my seat to continue in worship. Following this, He had me alternately raise my hands, kneel, etc., all the while praising Him. Afterwards, He just had me wait patiently on Him, worshipping in spirit.
As the worship continued through the remaining three or four songs, I began to notice a real disunity in worship amongst the members of the congregation. I had been fasting for nearly four full days, and was experiencing a heightened sensitivity in spirit. The lack of unity in the congregation's worship was most noticeable in a lady who was at the front, facing the stage, waving some banners, in what I believe was a type of "dancing in the Spirit". Some minutes later, a semblance of a spirit of unity descended upon the congregation, but unfortunately did not last for more than a few minutes. I wondered how GOD would bring revival to such a dis-unified congregation.
The congregation was very diverse. I noticed that there was proportionately a near equal amount of Blacks, Latinos, and various sub-divisions (such as Irish) of Caucasians. There seemed to be a somewhat loose dress code: I noticed that no small amount of the women wore tight, even, semi-provocative clothing, including low-cut blouses. I ignored this, and did not allow it to hinder my desire to worship GOD.
As the worship music continued, I took notice of one of the ladies on the stage, singing. She was very involved in the worship, and GOD opened my eyes to see an angel behind her, who was roughly nine-feet tall in stature. I assumed that this was an indicator that she was most likely anointed with the Holy Spirit.
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