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Christian Corporate Concepts Inc.
Christian Fellowship Church
Chicago, IL
Pastor Bonner,
Nov 2002
GOD's Full Message
GOD has used Jorge Vargas to share parts of His message,
His Bible truth, with you and various officers of CFC for many months.
GOD has called Jorge to a rigid walk of prayer and fasting; a Jn14 level
walk that many start, but few truly complete into full obedience to
fulfill His word Mat19:17 Heb5:9 1Jn3:24 Rev3:10-12; 22:14.
GOD intends to use CFC within His "triangle ministry," spoken of
by Eatmon, if CFC truly honours our Christ (Logos) and teaches all
His word (logos) that a few are soul saved and endure into Rev20:6.
GOD's word to you "tell My people to meet Me in My word," prompted
a serious note to you concerning His truth, which was later
followed by His Spirit induced exhortation, but you 100% rejected both.
GOD specifically had me ask "where is 'the kingdom,' " (which was
included in Jorge's note), but you could not qualify in truth,
proving the LORD's vision to Cory and His word to me "he rejected Me."
 Robert Bristow
P.S. You have a choice: Jn6:60-66 Acts26:18,20 1Jn3:6-10.
[GOD's Rev11:3 Work]
[see soul salvation]
[see Harold Eatmon]
"Tell MY people to meet ME in MY word."
-- Sentence from GOD for CFC
"If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed."
--John 8:31

Pastor Bonner,
Please keep in mind that this note is not intended to put you on the spot or insult you. Rather, it is an attempt to edify your faith. What follows is some hard and challenging material, so please accept it as edification and not condemnation or accusation.
As you may know, I attend a regular Bible Study on Saturdays. Afterward, I meet with an acquaintance, Robert Bristow. I mentioned to Robert that you had received a sentence from the LORD for the church: "Tell MY people to meet ME in MY word." Robert asked, "What does GOD mean by 'meet'?" I couldn't answer the question right away, so Robert advised me to pray and listen to GOD himself.
As I meditated on this question, the first verse that came to my mind was 1Jn2:3. Robert added, "To walk towards Him. So, literally, still in the way (John14:6), looking towards HIM." The next Scripture that came was Acts5:32 (Robert also added Acts1:8). Robert then stated that these Scriptures indicated what was needed to have the power of the walk and to truly be in the walk. Having this power would fulfill the initial 1 John 2:3 level (1 John 2:3 goes on for the growth of one's faith until 1 Peter1:9) so one would essentially be living John 14. This would also indicate that one would be "meeting" HIM in that he/she is starting a communication with HIM.
The sentence from GOD also specifies that we are to meet HIM "in" HIS word. I am assuming that we are to meet HIM in HIS written and spoken word, but a point of clarification must be made. Though the same Greek word is used for "word" (logos), it is important that we understand that there is a difference between "word" (lower case "w") - which denotes GOD's written and spoken word - and "Word" - which, by implication is the Divine Expression (i.e. Christ; see John 1:1, 14). We also see in John 6:63, that the Word will speak the word.
Robert asked, "How do we meet HIM in HIS word according to Scripture and not according to man's teaching?" He also asked, "What Scripture(s) identify(ies) the believers who are literally in the word; quite separately from those who are just studying or reading the word?"
At this point, I went to the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance to find in Scripture where GOD used the expression, "in the word" in this context. There were two that fit: John 8:31 (qualified by John 13:31) and 1 Timothy 5:17. John 8:31 speaks of a believer at a level of spiritual growth living in GOD's Holy word, hence the use of the word "abide." (For emphasis, Robert added, "having their home in and dwelling in-not merely visiting.")
Robert then asked, "What level [of spiritual growth] do you really think Paul is talking about in Timothy?"

I re-read the verse and the phrase "elders who rule" jumped out at me. I stated that I felt that this was a reference to those overcomers that rule with Christ. (Revelation 2:26-27 and Revelation 20:6) Robert stated, "Timothy and Titus qualify true elders, blameless before GOD. But Paul's reference in Timothy is speaking of a higher group than overcomers. Most pastors believe that they are ruling with Christ. GOD's word clearly states the apostles, or elders, constitute the highest level." He then cited 1 Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11, Revelation 4:4 and Revelation 4:10.
He continued, "The apostles and elders qualified here equate with the Abraham and Moses level or major prophet level. This is distinct from the minor prophet level and quite separate from the pastors and teachers. The pastors and teachers would equate with the so-called elders that helped Moses, that were only allowed to go halfway up the mountain, and upon whom GOD refused to lay HIS Hand (See Exodus 24:11. This also qualifies John 14 in the New Testament.). This later became the priestly level who ministered in the Inner Court on behalf of the congregation."
Robert also followed this up with another question. "GOD's word and GOD's truth are synonymous. Where does GOD qualify believers living in HIS truth?"
"Your word is truth" --John 17:17
Being short of time Robert offered 2 Peter 1:12 and then explained, "Simply being established in is qualified:

By Romans 1:11, whereby they must be empowered to be established.
The original Greek in Acts 14:22 says "reestablishing" (episterizo) into HIS kingdom, which is GOD (Romans 14:17)."

"Consequently, to enter Christ is the same thing, or to grow (Ephesians 4:15) from John 14 to John 15."
Another important note can be found in John 8:30. The word "in" really means "into" in the Greek (eis; pronounced "ice"). What this signifies as Jesus spoke, many believed into Him, yet to dwell in Him. The same Greek can be found in John 3:15, 16. This group of believers is living John 14 (Christ in them) and they haven't grown (Ephesians 4:15 - "But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ. . .") into Him, to be in Him. (See 1 John 2:24, 27, 28 & 1 John 3:6)
He concluded, "There are other Scriptures concerning the same Greek family of words, such as 1 Peter 5:10, whereby a believer is established after GOD has made them perfect; again showing GOD's process of sanctification.
In summation, Pastor, the purpose of the conversation was to illustrate to me (and, since he asked me to jot down notes from the conversation and compose this note, to you) the importance of living in GOD's truth and in GOD's word. It is then that we can meet with GOD daily, receive the "living word" ("rhema" in the Greek) and live as GOD's scribes, receiving directly from GOD's mouth on a daily basis (i.e. like Moses).
I hope you receive this letter as it was intended: as edification, exhortation, sharing, and teaching and in brotherly love.

Thanks for everything.
P.S. In the 11/2/02 Bible Study at the Harold Washington Library, the above was amended and expanded upon.
CCCInc. Note: Jorge passed on an excellent Bible study to various people at CFC, "The Church's Greatest Need," by Ernest Reisinger, but none responded affirmatively, in truth, proving they rejected GOD's word and call.
Pastor Bonner did not even read Cory's salutations.

ADDENDUM - 11/9/02
The following comments came out of my regular Saturday Bible Study and meeting.

Earlier this year, I made mention of the dream you had about the church. You shared with the congregation that in your dream, you saw CFC being built, but very slowly while other churches sprung up around CFC and were built higher and at a faster rate. Those churches had a "carnival-like" quality. GOD then told you that CFC's foundation was deeper than those others and its foundation was the Word. It would seem that those churches would represent the current gravitation toward "Cool Christianity." I found a book by a gentleman based out of New Zealand named Andrew Stromm. His online book "Cool" Christianity: Relevance or Compromise? touches on this very subject. I've taken the liberty of printing out the online copy for you. I hope this work edifies you.


As I associate with various Christians, I will often share testimony of how GOD is moving within my life, my wife's life, within other's lives (unless it's too personal) and within the church. I love telling others about GOD's wonderful work within these areas because it edifies as well as testifies, but I will never share anything that isn't shared publicly or that is shared with me in confidence. That being said, a colleague of mine in Momence, IL made the following statements in an e-mail in response to a conversation we had on Friday, November 8th. My colleague, also a Christian, communicates regularly via e-mail or telephone. I've shared with him many times about my own life and a few times about the many wonderful things that are happening in CFC and how GOD is moving within CFC. The conversation we had this past Friday was one of those conversations. His comments are as follows:

I then asked Jorge what he thought about the PS in my '1Pet3:7' e-mail to him. He said he thought it was interesting. The PS is mentioned above, about "say 'hi' to your pastor . . . GOD bless the work you are doing. . ." This is very significant because I know next to nothing about Jorge's pastor, except the fact that he received a word from the Lord a couple weeks ago for his congregation. Jorge and Robert then discussed it, ["Tell the people to meet Me in My word."], and GOD had Jorge write a letter to the pastor (Bonner, I believe Jorge said his name is).
Jorge said he "received the letter well," which I was more than happy to hear. Jorge told me about how the pastor had a dream about his church being built, and many other, much larger churches being built up all around his little church, which I believer Jorge said was in the center. The big churches had many manifestations of gifts of the Spirit and the like, but in essence they were "straw houses," not having the same strong foundation that the Lord was laying in Jorge's church.
Jorge also told me about the pastor's nightly hour-long "tea time" with the Lord and how the Lord had told him, "Because you have turned your heart fully to Me, I will turn My heart fully to you!" Jorge said GOD has given him "words" for the congregation in the past few weeks. It is quite apparent that Jorge's efforts at fasting are paying off, and I think we can expect Eatmon to be coming around by GOD's grace also in the near future.


Jorge mentioned how his pastor used to be a lawyer. I got excited when I heard this, having prayed - as per Robert's suggestion a couple of weeks ago - that GOD would bring a lawyer into CCCInc. . . I think the point is, "GOD's blessing" here, the Holy Spirit witnessing to his obedience.
As Jorge was talking, the Holy Spirit told me to tell Jorge something for his pastor. I do not like to share "words" without testing them first, so waited. It kept coming back. I told Jorge that I needed to share something, and he got a pen and paper. I then shared, "Tell your pastor the Holy Spirit says, 'Before November 14th (is over with - so meaning, "Before 6PM on November 14), you will have a revival.'" The Holy Spirit continued, "Then tell him that after the 14th, it will burst into flames." (Reminding me obviously of Acts 2, tongues of fire, mighty rushing wind, such as was the weather outside this morning-as it has not been here in Momence in a very long time.)
The Lord then had me expound on this, as from Him, His clearer meaning: "Tell the pastor that the first revival, before the 14th will be a personal revival. After the 14th will be a corporate (church) revival." (And have him contact Eatmon and tell him this, seems to be a good idea, which I thing He is saying right now. Yes, He is saying that, very clearly. . . . )
Jorge and I were blessed by the Lord's clear word, and the special encouragement it brought. I was reminded of a dream one of Jorge's fellow church-members had (a woman I believe) of a revival taking place in their church. Jorge continued sharing. The next thing the Lord told me was, "And you're going there next week." This was certainly unexpected, but I shared it with Jorge, with the note of caution that it had yet to be tested for veracity, but I was sharing it in faith. Jorge continued sharing."

I share this with you in faith, hoping that it continues to edify you.
From: Alex Poole
Date: Sunday, November 24, 2002 14:48:03 -0600
To: Cory Sellers, Keith Sellers, Jorge Vargas
Subject: Meeting with Robert 11-24-02

Cory + Keith,
Sabbath 11/23
Truth vs man's authority
GOD has + is thrusting Jorge into an excruciating
exercise to rid him of man's authority. Not to be
confused with real authority from the LORD, so
we could call it false authority, against Truth.
GOD had me ask Jorge to pray for deliverance from
false authority + pray for being established in truth.
GOD also had me explain that Keith's torment in
the spirit + soul to free himself from the Army was
also a deliverance (more so) from man's authority to GOD.
GOD, thru this, was showing me the subtle depth of the idolatry
of false authority - so pervasive where man rules man.
GOD plainly made the distinction for Pastor Bonner: Jorge is
to honour/respect the man as pastor, but more diligently
seek GOD's truth over the false authority of false teaching.
GOD's work in Jorge very clearly is for His/his work in
+ thru CCCInc. schools. Schools are rife with man's
false authority + easily seen as idolatry, little gods.
GOD showed me how Jorge's acceptance of false authority
thru false teaching, rather than uplifting Bible truth
created the "ball in the face" to his emotions.
GOD knew exactly how Jorge + Bonner would react,
+ Jorge's message was totally in line with His will, all
due to Cory's 3 prayers (etc) for Jorge + His work.
GOD had me ask Jorge to type up His SOP from GOD,
along with details of exactly how he fulfills them.
I suspect this will be added to the Bonner file to
show how Jorge is obedient + subsequently in authority!
P.S. You may remember when I was sitting in the church, I wrote down the words "he missed it." It is very interesting to note that during discussions between Pastor Bonner and Jorge, Pastor Bonner actually said to Jorge "what did I miss." This proves that GOD the Spirit gave the same word to both of us.
cc Jorge
E-mail from Cory, Sat, Nov 23, 2002

Alex, Keith, Jorge,
I just got home from work, and the Lord gave me quite a few interesting points, which I jotted down, concerning the e-mails from Jorge.
Please note that I have not even yet fully reviewed all that pastor Bonner wrote to Jorge for lack of time, though I intend to tomorrow, possibly even tonight, Lord willing, though we shall see.
First though, I believe it necessary to document what I know He has already shown me, for your input and Robert's tomorrow as well. Please discuss and share as He gives insight, confirmation, etc. Thanks.
cc: JV, K
At work, the Lord plainly showed me tonight, re: Bonner and CFC:
Point 1: FEAR OF MAN:
Pastor Bonner's whole life and walk is saturated with the fear of man. Note the following (Please be patient as you read, as this e-mail is not a treatise meant to pick apart pastor Bonner, but you will see GOD's intended purpose of 1Cor13 1Tim1:5 shine through by the end of the e-mail):
-Bonner's focus has been to attack the messenger (Robert).
a) This plainly shows his focus is on himself and others, not on GOD: perception based outlook/mindset.
b) He chooses to discredit the man/messenger (negative) rather than passing on what he has received from the Lord (positive), showing that he has received nothing clearly from the Lord about the matter, and likely has not even EARNESTLY sought His input, through self-sacrifice such as fervent prayer and fasting--the least of his obligations to his flock.
c) note 1Cor4:4 again; also, the very telling 2Cor10:12.
d) Bonner's son's FEAR is absolute, shocking, undeniable proof that Bonner was out of line, not Robert; not being filled or led by the Spirit of love AND Truth (1Cor13:6b) during the confrontation with Robert in the parking lot, else where was GOD's peace on his son 1Cor7:14??? Robert had no knife or angry demeanor, but the "anger" was Bonner's perception, planted by satan through his obvious fear, manifest anxiety, lack of knowledge of and sharing from Scripture, etc.
e) Bonner's son is SEVEN years old, an obvious message from GOD as to end of a testing/proving period, (possibly re: fear of man or teaching truth, etc.).
f) Bonner has no concern for GOD's holy truth, in that he couldn't patiently answer the simplest of questions from the sincerest of lips, re: Rom14:17, etc, nor did he even attempt to. Bonner is entirely concerned about how he is perceived, therefore resorting to defending himself, not GOD; and not by Scripture, but by pointing to his "loving" demeanor; a totally false pretense and complete lie, exposed by his own son's fear.

In short, since the fear of man is exalted and given free reign in Bonner's home, his son has partaken of daily and learned to do the same. He therefore, unfortunately, has no confidence in his earthly father or his heavenly Father (Mat6:9), which would be manifest very plainly as a strong peace, confidence (not fear/anxiety!). [These words coming from years of very humbling family situations, wisdom and training from GOD about control over one's own children, etc.]
g) Is2:22, Bonner is unable to receive deeper things from GOD, truth, Truth, etc., because of fear of man, which conversely is lack of fear of GOD/obedience.
[A final, important, related "side point" to consider, I believe from GOD: Why does Bonner not confront Robert with Scripture?]
Also, the above total comes to 7 sub-points, I believe all from Him, since I did not intend to craft it that way. Just copied down earlier thoughts I had noted.]
Point 2: Other things which I believe from Him, though not directly related to Bonner:
a) I believe strongly the Lord wants Jorge to read and study prayerfully Jer23 and related CCCInc. material, to receive His input, deeper understanding of what's really going on here, especially as related to verses:
   vv. 18-22 (discerning those who stand in GOD's counsel and those who do not) and
   v. 29 (the power of His spoken and written word: who speaks GOD's word and who doesn't; this brought up in the recent past with relation to Eatmon as well, and very deep and powerful in meaning--meditate on it!).
b) I BELIEVE GOD is saying Keith and Jorge will begin receiving burdens for one another as GOD brings them more and more into Gal6:2, also manifesting the gift of helps (as in Num11:17), in time, as He has done with Alex and I. This will increase unity between Keith and Jorge, and GOD will make them increasingly aware of it through their communications, mutual encouragement, learning, etc (Gen7:9 again).
c) Jorge should use reservation where possible and seek to "maintain silence" when it comes to any future e-mail or discussion with Pastor Bonner--especially discussion--until he first seeks the Lord's input, such as with the "Meet Me in My Word" write-up, which was clearly from the Lord. GOD pointed this out by a simple little error in Jorge's e-mail, stating "Alex and Robert's MONDAY meeting", showing the need for Jorge to wait on Him just to receive His peace, and let the Lord settle his heart first concerning all of these many matters. A seemingly small issue, but with very great future (positive) consequences as GOD teaches Jorge the value of Phil4:6,7 1Pet5:6,7 (Ps119:165 Is26:3 Mat6:22 etc.). Anything else (speaking off the cuff before the heart is settled and thoroughly bathed in GOD's peace through prayer) will lead to committing the same sins Bonner is presently trapped in 2Tim2:19-26.
d) GOD is allowing all of this to teach Jorge:
  -the absolute importance of trusting Him to work in the lives of others, through our love, patience, humility, prayer, etc.
  -the absolute difficulty, rebellious nature and stubborness of heart associated with working with many so-called followers of Christ
  -the absolute need to fast to see His hand break the demonic bondages that such persons are under, to deliver them into Rom6 and beyond

  -the absolute consequences that Jorge's own obedient seeking has directly on others, as Alex and I have painfully experienced through our own abundant failure in the recent past
Point 3: GOD's SOLUTION!!!
Finally, I believe GOD is saying very strongly that HIS desire for Jorge, to bring resolution to this matter in a manner pleasing to Him, is to SHOW/DEMONSTRATE to Bonner the PROPER way to resolve this present dilemma, and that is to humbly suggest to Bonner the need to enter into an agreement together to seek the Lord wholeheartedly, TOGETHER, through mutual prayer and fasting: fasting and praying one for the other, seeking GOD's hand in the lives of one another, in the love that Bonner claims to live in. Not only will this truly test the love he claims to have for Jorge (and I pray it is true), but this will in effect demonstrate the power of 2Chr7:14. This, in essence (GOD showed), is the whole point of the exercise!
The above things about Bonner have been pointed out for Jorge's learning, and for future understanding, teaching of others--not to self-righteously pick apart another person's spiritual walk. The above is for increase in discernment on Jorge's part, (as well as others in the future), including pastor Bonner, WHEN he is ready to receive it in the future with an open heart of love. FIRST though, GOD wants a mutual, HUMBLING agreement (easy for Jorge, harder for Bonner, so must be approached with care and utmost humility through prayer), to seek Him through serious fasting (3 days per week for a month or more) and fervent prayer to resolve this conflict. This will open the door for His true authority (not man's false authority) to flow down upon both Jorge and Bonner, and fulfill His holy law, which is summed up in the first and second greatest commandments, and on which hang all the law and the prophets!
This seems to be all He is saying for now. I know this is a lot, for whomever may read it, but the intended end or purpose of the matter, as stated above, is 1Tim1:5: love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith... (see full message of 1Tim1)
Love is patient, love is kind, and as Jorge seeks the Lord through fasting and prayer, and endeavors to come into agreement with Bonner to humble themselves hand in hand before GOD, the lessons will become clearer, and wisdom will be worked into each heart for the purpose of love, GOD's glory and praise.
Amen and AMEN brother! Praise the Lord and hallelujah! Isn't our GOD great and awesome, merciful and loving, patient beyond measure?!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise His name!!!
Take all of these things a piece at a time Jorge. Don't let your heart be unsettled. There is much to be learned here that the Lord is teaching and will teach you. He knows what's going on, and it's very likely that you'll be pulling fasting duty alone, for Bonner's soul--who may or may not agree to fast and pray with you. But that's in GOD's hands alone, and does not affect YOUR obedience before the Lord, by which the Lord will bring Bonner and consequently his church and family around anyway. It will just come more slowly.
Learn the lessons through the painful exercise of peer rejection. Walk in the footsteps of Christ Jesus your Lord, as in Is53, Phil2, continuing to love those who revile you under false pretenses of love and would call you a heretic and deluded. Remember that Wisdom is vindicated by her children.

Peace be to your house. I thank the Lord for you daily.
My love and prayers are always with you; hoping the above somehow edifies into increase of love and wisdom; into a deeper relationship with Jesus, our Lord Almighty. [Surely in writing all of the above I have exhorted myself moreso than anyone else, as my own heart is tested by the sincerity, depth of love and accuracy of truth revealed in the many words above. I trust they are from Him, for His purposes, and pray they will be effective for His name's sake, Is55, etc.]
GOD bless you all.
Much love,
Cory Sellers

CCCInc. logo "Daily Summary" Sheet
Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the LORD. Rom12:11
CCCInc. #: 
11-29 thru 12-6-02

Monday, December 2, 2002
Scanned noted written by Robert on 11/22, received 11/24/02 via e-mail attachment from Alex:
Dear Cory,
I read the file.
GOD told you He cannot waste time, He intends to move quickly. The believers must hear the truth Jn6:60 etc + decide, make their choices as to who to follow. This new thing started Nov17 with Pastor Bonner.
GOD's agenda is our only concern. People's feelings count for "0". This is a life + death, last time message.
We (CCCInc.) have No Choice.
[see GOD's current Ez33 example]


From: Cory Sellers
Date: Saturday, November 30, 2002 13:25:56 -0600
To: Alex Poole, Jorge Vargas
Subject: For Robert
Dear Robert,
Misc notes in response to your 11/27 letter:
You said, "Re your [e-mail] on Bonner. As you mention "man's false authority" I am supposing the latter half is actually from Sun, not Sat."
Actually, Robert, I knew this Saturday, late-night e-mail was pretty inspired by the Holy Spirit [minimally revised and re-sent to Alex Sunday because of e-mail problems], and the LORD also showed me when I was done that He was going to add it to the Bonner file--the existence of which at that point hadn't even been stated by GOD!
In other words, everything that was written in that e-mail to Jorge [I sent Jorge both the Saturday e-mail, as well as the Sunday revision, as you probably know--which seems to be causing the confusion...], was all written prior to reading your Sun, 11/24 comments in the e-mail through Alex. This is why when I read your comments in the 11/24 e-mail, I was absolutely stunned and overjoyed at the very similar revelation (even the exact same words [e.g. "man's false authority"]) that GOD had given to us both separately, independently!

From: Cory Sellers
Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 06:12:46 -0600
To: Alex Poole
Subject: Christian Fellowship Church file
Dear Robert,
GOD gave me the following thoughts today while reviewing the Bonner file:
Page 1 title "GOD's Full Message". The word "message" really stuck out to me because that's what Bonner preached on at the 11/17 service: "The Message of the Cross." You may or may not have already known this, I can't be sure. But in any case, I finally realized it today myself: GOD exhorting Bonner to learn to grow into the Full Message/Logos of the cross.
Also, the ref to Jn6:60-66 at the bottom refers to the disciples rejecting Christ's true communion, a theme which keeps coming up re: CFC. As the above, you may also have already seen this as well. I.e, Bonner was offended by Christ's true communion, taught by CCCInc. and shared with him by Jorge--the FULL MESSAGE of the cross, again, being Christ.

CCCInc. Ministry Report
11-14 to
Disc. - Response
See Below

    On Friday, Nov 8th, in a Spirit-led phone conversation with Jorge, the Holy Spirit gave me a message for Jorge's pastor, Ken Bonner. This was mere days after I had written an e-mail to Jorge, in which the Lord had had me put a PS which said, "Tell you pastor 'hi', and 'GOD bless you in the work you're doing... a message from the Holy Spirit'." I was very surprised by this, not knowing anything about Jorge's pastor, and whether he was even being obedient.
    When I asked Jorge on the phone what he thought about this PostScript, he explained that it made a lot of sense to him. Ever since GOD had put him on clear notice (warning) in early August, he had been fasting intensely on a weekly basis, he said. He told me how the Lord through Robert had told him that his pastor's belief in GOD's full gospel truth, as well as GOD's ability to bring Harold Eatmon to accepting His full truth were dependant upon Jorge's obedient seeking. This was not mere presumption, either, since GOD had already proven this once in December '01 into January '02, when Jorge set out on a rigorous fasting schedule, only to see the Lord bring an edifying visit from Harold Eatmon in direct response.
    Jorge said he had responded to the Lord by heeding the August '02 warning. As he related details to me, I noticed that his obedience in fasting coincided directly with what he was telling me of his pastor's recent growth (see Is58:6). For instance, the pastor had even recently been getting words from the Lord for the congregation, which he would pass on in service on Sunday. The most notable, recent message from the Lord to pastor Bonner was "Tell the people to meet Me in My Word". The Lord had Jorge and Robert pray on this message from the Lord, and then gave them a lengthy letter full of His insights, detailing some of His deeper meaning.
    As we continued talking, the Lord, very much to my surprise, told me to have Jorge tell his pastor, "The Holy Spirit says, 'You will have revival before the 14th, and on [Sunday] the 17th it will burst into flames.'" The Lord then had me clarify two things to Jorge: a) that by the words 'before the 14th', the Holy Spirit meant 'before the end of the 14th, which is roughly 6pm on the day of the 14th (I did not understand how significant a detail this was until during the church service on Sunday); and b) that the revival 'before the 14th' would be a personal revival, whereas the revival on the 17th would be a corporate revival.
    To my great surprise, the Lord then told me that I would be attending the Sunday service at Jorge's church, and to contact Keith and ask him if He also would like to attend. Later that week He told me Robert would be in attendance as well, and told Alex that he too would be there.
    Jorge took down the message, added it to some other things he had for his pastor, then delivered the message to him on Sunday, Nov 10th. He said the pastor seemed to receive it.

[GOD's 2nd warning]

    The next day on my prayer walk, the Lord stopped me and said, "Jorge didn't deliver the message." The Lord later had me contact Jorge to ask him what this might mean, and the Lord expounded a little, but did not give understanding until after the service on Sunday the 17th. He initially explained by clarifying and saying, "Jorge didn't deliver the full message" [because he hadn't yet "heard" the full message]. On Sunday Nov 17, the Lord made it plain what the full message was, and explained everything to us in detail.
    Keith arrived in Momence on Nov 14th, as the Lord had made known to me he would. We were expecting great things from the Lord. On the morning of Nov 17th we drove to Chicago to meet with Alex. We exchanged greetings and some small talk very briefly, then Alex gave Keith some nice, extra clothes he had. We prayed, and consecrated our time together, then headed off to Chicago to pick up Robert on his way out of the homeless shelter. After picking up Robert, we all headed downtown to the area that Robert and Alex meet every Sunday in Presidential Towers to review and discuss business, since Sunday is a work day, as stated in 1Cor16:2.
    One of the first things I noticed this Sunday morning was the new blanket of snow: the first real snow in the area for the year. GOD later revealed that it was a symbol of the "dropping down of His purity/holiness," being still undefiled, pure white, etc.
    An interesting meeting followed, in which there was a useful exchange of information, encouragement, edification, and the love of the Lord, Col2:2. We then walked to a nearby food court where we held the rest of our meeting.
    Around 8am we saw Jorge approaching. Robert had told him not to come if he didn't first get his prayer and Bible study time in with the Lord. Jorge said the Lord had woke him up at 4:21 this morning, and he had put in the time with the Lord first thing. Robert asked him why he had done it today and not on any of the previous days--for as long as Jorge could remember. Jorge said it was because it was an important day, and so he had the motivation to get out of bed.
    During the ensuing meeting, in which Jorge and Keith met and talked for the first time, the Lord pointed out His establishing a connection between the two of them, as He already has between Alex and I (a type of Gen7:8,9).
    As the meeting progressed, Robert shared a lot of the material the Lord had given him for us throughout the previous week. And it seemed like every time Jorge would speak, Robert would respond very abruptly to him. Keith later mentioned that had he himself been in the flesh, he would have thought Robert was being unloving. On the contrary, we were both readily able to see that the Lord was reproving Jorge in spirit for seeking Him for personal benefit rather than because He is worthy of our obedience. This last point became much clearer as the day continued, especially after GOD's detailed explanations following the CFC church service.
    The meeting before the church service was good. When the Lord directed us to leave for the service, He let us know through Robert that He wanted us to pray all the way there. I sat in the back seat of Keith's car, Jorge sat in the front passenger's seat. GOD had me put my hands on Jorge's shoulders multiple times and pray somewhat quietly in tongues. Once, He told me "3 more times." I did this once, and was hesitant to lay hands on Jorge yet another two times--at least until we passed by a laundry mat sign that said, "Clean, Clean!" I followed through on the Lord's instructions and finished praying for Jorge.

    When we arrived at the church, we all held hands and prayed expectantly, then went inside. We were truly expecting GOD to move; to bring revival, perform miracles, healings, acts of forgiveness, etc. Everyone except myself entered into the sanctuary and sat down. For reasons unknown to me, The Lord would not let me enter into the sanctuary. I stood and waited in the foyer, and Alex came out. We talked until I looked at the bulletin board in front of us and one of the postings on a nearby bulleting board that said, "second stage." Understanding that this was GOD's official second CCCInc. meeting (the first being held 4/17/99, exactly 42 months earlier), I knew that GOD was saying He was taking His development of CCCInc. into the "second stage." He then let me enter into the sanctuary.**
    [**Note: GOD is just now showing that this, in itself, is also symbolic, in that it represents the drawing of His corporate, end-times work into the "second of three stages"; i.e., the sanctuary being representative of the second part of GOD's 3-part church, or the Jn14-anointed level of faith, as in Heb8:2a. The point then, is that He is indicating a corporate parallel to His soul-saving work in individuals. These three parts (indwelling, filling, sealing), are also paralleled in Jesus' life, the "second stage" of which clearly began at Luk4:14. GOD is clearly saying, just now, that His work in CCCInc. is presently at Mat4:3, in the beginning of 18 weeks of testing, and will arrive at Luk4:14 in April '03.]
    We had arrived at exactly the right time, again proving His Spirit's leading. The first worship song, entitled "I Can Only Imagine", was already being sung. GOD used the song to really touch me emotionally, as He has in the past. During the song, He clearly told me to go the front near the stage and bow down in worship. When I did, I let out a passionate minute-long prayer in tongues, followed by some deep, therapeutic tears. He then had me get up and return to my seat to continue in worship. Following this, He had me alternately raise my hands, kneel, etc., all the while praising Him. Afterwards, He just had me wait patiently on Him, worshipping in spirit.
    As the worship continued through the remaining three or four songs, I began to notice a real disunity in worship amongst the members of the congregation. I had been fasting for nearly four full days, and was experiencing a heightened sensitivity in spirit. The lack of unity in the congregation's worship was most noticeable in a lady who was at the front, facing the stage, waving some banners, in what I believe was a type of "dancing in the Spirit". Some minutes later, a semblance of a spirit of unity descended upon the congregation, but unfortunately did not last for more than a few minutes. I wondered how GOD would bring revival to such a dis-unified congregation.
    The congregation was very diverse. I noticed that there was proportionately a near equal amount of Blacks, Latinos, and various sub-divisions (such as Irish) of Caucasians. There seemed to be a somewhat loose dress code: I noticed that no small amount of the women wore tight, even, semi-provocative clothing, including low-cut blouses. I ignored this, and did not allow it to hinder my desire to worship GOD.
    As the worship music continued, I took notice of one of the ladies on the stage, singing. She was very involved in the worship, and GOD opened my eyes to see an angel behind her, who was roughly nine-feet tall in stature. I assumed that this was an indicator that she was most likely anointed with the Holy Spirit.

    After the last worship song a few minutes later this same lady took the microphone and began speaking. She appeared to be somewhere in her early middle years, and spoke with a measure of GOD's anointed faith and love. When she prayed, it was clear that she was indeed anointed.
    Not long after this, the pastor approached the stage. At first, I couldn't believe what I saw in spirit when he walked to the front, so I turned my eyes away to look again, just to recheck. What I had seen was an angel standing behind him. But, unlike the other angel I had seen, this occurrence was so astonishing because this particular angel was no less than fifteen feet tall!
    GOD impressed upon my heart the significance of the fact that the angel's height was exactly "2.5 times the pastor's stature". A week later, He seemed to reveal [still awaiting confirmation] that the pastor is halfway to the Jn15 level of faith, [roughly 7 years after the birth of his son, and quite possibly near the time when he was first anointed (???)].
    When the pastor began to preach, it was very broken and did not flow according to the Spirit. There were elements of truth in what he said, but I sincerely began to wonder how in the world the Lord was going to bring any measure of revival to this church. I did not doubt His power, but there were obvious hindrances and a corporate need for unity, humility, and repentance, even to the most casual Christian observer.
    In spite of the pastor's lack of true Spirit-anointed preaching, GOD still managed to communicate some very important truth through some of his words. Most notably with reference to the "message/language" of the cross (see Ps81:5), and that Christ, the Word, was this message of the cross.
    As the pastor preached, he started in on a series of verses that really allowed the Lord to bring power and conviction to his preaching. Unfortunately, this quickly tapered off. While it was occurring, however, I witnessed probably the most significant event of the entire service--more significant than I at first realized.
    As the pastor began to get on a roll, quoting verses from the Bible, (the most notable and powerful one of which I felt was from Heb9 (verse 14, I believe it was)), I saw Jesus appear beside him, facing him. He was holding His hands out to the pastor saying "Come." As I saw it, however, I knew that Jesus was wanting to say it through the pastor--to the congregation! It wasn't long before the pastor got back into preaching in the flesh, with powerless words, and Jesus left.
    This didn't make a lot of sense to me, and I pondered its meaning for some minutes. About ten minutes after Jesus' appearance, while I was still pondering the meaning of the occurrence, Robert turned to Keith, who was sitting next to me, and said, "The Pastor didn't believe the prophecy" [about the revival].
    I then began to understand the whole scenario, and that Jesus had not been able to speak His love to the congregation through the pastor because of the pastor's unbelief in Jesus' clear, precise words to him earlier in the week (a clear failure to "Despise not prophesyings", 1Thes5:20).

    The Lord then began to confirm to me that the prophecy He had given me had indeed been very much from Him. He first showed me that Nov 14th was intended to be a copy of Jesus' overcoming experience in Gethsemane, early Nisan 14. His prophecy to the pastor about a 'personal revival before the end of the 14th' was very much in line with this Scriptural parallel.
    Secondly, He pointed out that the corporate revival, which was to 'burst into flames' on Nov 17th, was intended to be a copy of Jesus' resurrection power, Phil3:10, which was demonstrated late Nisan 17, Rom1:4,5.
    Thirdly, He pointed out that the three days from Nov 14 to Nov 17 was intended to be a very precise prophetic copy of the "three-day delay" He had been teaching me about all week in Mat25:1-13, esp. v. 5; similar to the three days Jesus was in the grave after His crucifixion. By these three indisputable parallels, I knew that GOD was confirming beyond a doubt that His message of revival to pastor Bonner through me was very much from Him. His inability to bring the prophesied revival was not for lack of truth in the prophesy, as I had conjectured may very well be the case, but for failure on the pastor's part to believe it.
    When the service was over, we gathered together to discuss everything that had gone on. The Lord had given Robert some things, as mentioned above, about Christ being the power, message of the cross, the Word, etc. Most notably, however, we were all concerned with understanding why the Lord had not moved in the way He had plainly shown us He wanted to.
    As the five of us discussed different things the Lord had shown us, Jorge mentioned the words of Is42:19 by the Spirit. This reminded me of a very significant dream the Lord had given me nearly five years ago, which I knew had yet to be fulfilled by Him (taken from the CCCInc. 'dreams and visions' file):

GOD gave me a dream before I ever met Robert Bristow, or knew about anything called 'CCCInc'. In the dream I climbed up into a huge oak tree, through a trap door, which opened into a hollowed out room in the tree. An old blind and deaf man was there, whom I knew was Robert--though I had only heard about him and had never met him. I and six others were in the room, all standing in a circle around this old blind and deaf man. Thus, there were eight total persons: seven standing in a circle around the eighth (see Rev1:13,20, being the Lord in CCCInc.; also Mic5:5 1Pet3:20). The man in the middle, who was an obvious representation of the Lord, was very joyful, and went to each of the seven persons and gave them a hug, and spoke something into the ear of each one.

    As I began to share this dream, I noticed that Robert seemed to shine with a new light. His face lit up and He became very elated and said, "I'm really feeling the joy of the Lord". This was significant since, even though Robert is always expressing the joy of the Lord, GOD was clearly giving him an extra-strong dose. We knew that at least one reason He was doing this was to confirm the beginnings of the fulfillment of the dream I had just begun to relate; confirming the witness of His truth through various means and methods, similar to Heb1:1, ('fathers in the prophets'). Praise His name, Hallelujah!

    After our discussion, we all filtered out of the church. Alex and I were the last two to leave. But before we could leave, we were greeted with the warmest greeting I have ever received in a church. A lady by the name of Barbara introduced herself. She took my hand and asked me my name. I told her, and she was so delighted to meet me. She also asked me where I was from, and I told her "from Momence, near Kankakee." See seemed to be familiar with the area. She kept saying things over and over like, "I am so glad you came! You just have the glory of GOD all around you. Are you coming back? There's just something so special about you!"
    Barbara was obviously discerning something that I was not privy to. I recalled on similar instance that occurred just prior to my trip with Keith to Ohio in May '01, when Don Gretz expressed similar appreciation for the blessing of GOD through me. As with Barbara, I had also been unaware of what the Lord was apparently impressing upon him about me. However, the one connection I could make for certain is that in both instances I had been fasting for three days or more.
    Before we parted, Barbara shook my hand no less than five different times, then gave me a hug or two. She also greeted Alex very warmly, and introduced herself to him. She introduced us to two of her friends. I recognized one of her friends as part of a duet that had sung impromptu, accapella during the service. I remember thinking during the song that this Lisa, who was the motivation behind singing the impromptu song, was most likely anointed. Now that I had the opportunity to meet her, her pleasant, shining demeanor seemed to re-affirm this notion.
    Barbara and I headed toward the exit. She exclaimed that she also wanted to meet the rest of the visitors with whom I had come. I exclaimed what a beautiful day it was that the Lord had given us, and she agreed.
    She was so happy to meet Jorge, Keith and Robert, who were standing in a semi-circle talking. She said, "I'm sorry to interrupt you...", to which Robert replied, "You're not interrupting us. You're never interrupting us." She repeated to everyone similar things that she had told Alex and I only a few minutes before. She was so happy that we had come, and would be blessed if we would consider coming again.
    Robert told her that Keith and I had come all the way from Momence just to be there. She again welcomed us back at any time in the future, then said goodbye.
    After Barbara left, we discussed the events of the day at greater length. We all recognized the significance of Barbara's witness as the Lord's confirmation to us that He was the one who had brought us there.
    Not too many minutes later, when the parking lot was almost clear, we saw Pastor Bonner exit the church facility with a fellow church-goer. I think we all knew that he was headed in our direction. Eventually, he came over to where we were and greeted us. He said something to the effect of, "Well praise the Lord for five new souls added to the kingdom." Robert responded immediately by saying,
"Where is the kingdom?"
"I'm sorry. What?"
"Where is the kingdom?"
"I don't know. Where is the kingdom?"

"Where does Scripture say the kingdom is?"
"You tell me."
"Scripture teaches in Rom14:17 that the kingdom of GOD is inside the Holy Spirit. My friend, there are very few who are actually in Christ... who are in the Holy Spirit. You can't accept this now, but do some study. In one to three years you will see."
    The brief discussion between Robert and Pastor Bonner continued for only another minute or so. Pastor Bonner was extremely fidgety and uneasy. Only Robert and myself would look at Pastor Bonner. He was comforting his seven-year-old son, who was clinging to his leg in fear, not knowing how to handle Robert's questions.
    Robert, for his part, was standing calm, still, and was speaking softly. There was certainly tension in the air, it being obvious that the pastor was being challenged to defend his beliefs. The pastor tried to excuse himself very abruptly a few times, but Robert continued questioning him. When Pastor Bonner did finally excuse himself, Robert said, "Do some study. GOD's kingdom, according to Scripture, is inside the Holy Spirit."
    Pastor Bonner left, and we soon closed in prayer and departed after some brief comments. We held hands and each prayed a short prayer as the Spirit prompted. While praying, the Lord gave me a vision: I saw a line connect each of us, so that it formed a five-pointed star. The fifth point, which was Robert, drew back into a shaft of sorts, and the remaining four points of the star began spinning at a high rate of speed. The vision ended.
    When we finished praying, I commented about the mysterious vision. Robert said, "The whirlwind of the Lord!" (see Jer23, esp. v.19)
    We all praised the Lord for His goodness and grace which He imparted for this blessed day, and went our respective ways.
Monday, December 2, 2002 update, excerpted from CLS daily summaries:
    During devotions today, GOD gave me a conclusive vision about CFC:
    I saw Jorge looking back and forth in two different directions. One way was his church, the other way was away from his church. He didn't know what to do, so he happily chose his church. He went into the church, and the next thing I saw was he was literally flying out of it. He was sitting in a child's car seat and flying out of the church. I did not understand this until just now, but this is a picture of being "ejected" [indicating an emergency]. I then saw Pastor Bonner in the doorway of the church, and he yelled, "And stay out!" He then slammed the door shut.
    As soon as he slammed the door shut, lightning hit the church and disintegrated it into ashy rubble. However, the people were still there! They were looking around at one another like, "What just happened?" Pastor Bonner repented on his knees, in the dust and ashes in the middle of the congregation. The people of the congregation all gathered around him and laid hands on him faithfully, in forgiveness and love. He stood up and transformed into the huge, 15-foot angel I saw while I was attending the CFC service 11/17.

    So there he was, this huge angel, towering over everyone, in love and light. At the same time, I saw all of the congregants meld together with the angel into a huge flower-like organism of light. It was actually more vase-like in shape, with about five different "leaves" that arched up together and met at a central place (though not touching in the center, but at the sides), and then fanned out again. The base of the "leaves" were larger at the bottom , tapered where they came together in the center, then widened slightly as they neared the end of themselves.
    I then saw the Father GOD open this organism and pull out a jewel. It was crystalline in shape and appearance, and it was translucent and pink. The Father held it up to His face, and I could see His face through the crystal. He then spoke the words "Tell the people to see Me in My Word. Tell the people to meet Me in My Word."
    I am now receiving further understanding of this which I had not seen at first: It is significant that the vision was of the Father and not of the Son, because the Father is referring to the Son when He uses the term "Word."
    It is also significant that He first said "SEE Me in My Word," and then "Meet Me in My Word." I have wondered why He would say "See" and not "Meet", since "Meet" is actually the word He used when He originally gave Pastor Bonner the message. Well, just now He is showing me that this is a clear command to "See", as in Jn3:3, then "Meet" as in Jn3:5. In other words, Jn14 "seeing" into Jn15 "abiding/living".
    This was essentially the end of the first part of the vision. When I closed my eyes a minute later, I saw a second part. This time, the scene was back at the rubble which used to be the church. There was Pastor Bonner, represented as the angel. But this time, I saw the angel open his robe to reveal the same jewel inside. He then closed his robe. He opened the robe once again, and I saw the Holy Spirit as a large dove come and take the jewel and fly away with it.
    The vision ended.
    12-10-02: When I completed this ministry report in full, the Lord began to give me what I initially thought was going to be an interpretation to this last part. Instead, it turned out to be a prophecy. He said to me:
    "The Jewel is the light of Truth, which is My Word. 'Tell the People to Meet Me in My Word' is the message of Truth and light that this Jewel shines forth. The peace that passes all understanding is the light that illumines the darkness. Without it, the people will see nothing. Let Pastor Bonner repent and discontinue hiding My Truth from the people. Amen. So let it be."

Type: sub, corp, cell gr, stu gr, pastor; Level: confess, Jn14 Disc: Brief details of meeting; scriptures, if believed, Spirit cfm, proof of growth, recent victories, proof of Rom6.
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GOD's hard work
Dear Cory,
Oct 15th '99
GOD's chalice
GOD has me moving in faith, trusting Him to separate the false and strengthen the
CCCInc. core group, that His work glorifies His name, ever hoping for Rom8:21-25.
GOD has shown me His teaching purpose thru Larry, ie using Larry to gather the
core group, then separating Larry for refining (outside CCCInc) into a pure vessel 1Pet1:22.
GOD used Larry as Assyria Is10; 19 Mic5:5 for His work, as he used Moody + Graham,
to draw some young blood into real Jn14 for His CCCInc. plan, sharing partial truth.
GOD uses 1000s as Assyria thru His grace, love, power to benefit millions globally in
Rev3:7-13; 18, a fulfillment of Rev17:6 - which He showed me - all part of CCCInc. soon.
GOD refines 10% of Assyria at Jn14 level as they learn true obedience into agape Rom13:8 Gal5,
and true faith - growing from Jn3:16 into 5:24 - copying Rom4:12-16 into 5:2, then 1Jn3:24.
GOD frees 10% of Assyria at lukewarm level from satan (king of Assyria Is10:12) to serve
the true King Rom6:18,22; 8 Phil3 in true obedient faith, refusing satan, self, sin forever.
GOD soul saves 10% of Assyria at 1Jn2:24,27 level to live in Him 1Jn3-5, to be His 3rd part,
to be His golden cup Jer51:7, His sanctified vessel of full-mighty grace, love, power, if in Him.
GOD's anointed appear as "a lamb" in Rev13:11, but is Assyria,
deceiving thru ignorance and sin; the ten horns or ten kings of satan
Mat7:21-23 2Thes2:9-12 evil Babylon Zech13:8 1Jn3:8,10 Rev12; 13; 17,
also called the beast and false prophet Rev16:13; 19:20; 20:10.
[GOD's hard work Home Page]
[see Larry as Assyria]
[see more on evil church]