From: S. Hirnyj@ifw-dresden.de
To: Alex Poole
Date: Sun, July 7, 2002 22:54:44 +0200
Peace of Jesus Christ be with you all!
Dear Brother Alex,
It has been a while after I established the contact with CCC and was able to communicate with Robert thanking to your kind help. Hope that the grace of the LORD is upon all of you and the whole CCC ministry. Please, on your convenience, pass this letter to Robert and, if possible, drop me a word.
This time here in Germany has been very valuable for me. Firstly, GOD has shown me the piece of dirt which I have to clean. Secondly, HE crossed me with numerous people from India to whom I tried to present the Gospel. This, however, was not an easy task and I have learnt much from this experience. Thirdly, there is an English-speaking evangelical gathering to which the LORD appointed me to preach several times already and at least one more time is ahead, LORD's willing. I would need your prayer support for all these struggles of my life here and have to tell you, that I do consult the CCC pages ones in a while and will do more before my next preaching.
I also need your prayers for the problems with adoption of a little girl from the orphanage into the Christian family in the city of Lviv, Ukraine.
Lastly, I have to ask you in the name of Jesus to be very careful with placing the secular newspaper articles which sound like political propaganda on the web-pages of CCC unless the biblical comment is given. For instance on the page...
...you placed an article "A man on a mission" BY MORTIMER B. ZUCKERMAN, U.S. News & World Report, March 18, 2002. Looking from purely humane perspective, the article gives the glory to the sinful man, not to GOD, it speaks the fleshly language like "America alone has the power" (not GOD), "we must get them before they get us" ("them" - seems to be any number of human lives - language of a killer, not a Christ's follower), "Bush and his team are determined to rid the world of Saddam Hussein" (not Ef 6:12). The article ends up with "Amen" and stands in complete dissonance to the biblical teaching of CCC.
In the beginning of the web-page, however, there is a statement...
GOD in love always warns us prior to His terrible acts 2Pet2, whether thru the forces of nature (fire, quake, storm), thru disease, thru evil man (9-11), then comes His sword work Ps45 Rev18.
The title of the page "Freedom's Way" if referred to the political system is also non-biblical. If we were able to ask those 40,000,000 INNOCENT countrymen murdered in the US about "Freedom" we'd probably hear something different.
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