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Christian Community Companies Inc.
Full Value Products
GOD-given free enterprises, partially practiced for
centuries in the marketplace, are being forced to
change to customer driven entities that each offer
products and/or services with full value to remain viable.
GOD-given free enterprises practice "free competition or voluntary
co-operation resulting in the greatest possible total of
benefits for all who participate" to ensure business viability
and full or maximum value for customers/end-users globally.
GOD-given free enterprises practice true ethics in pursuing maximum
efficiency, quality, value for all products and services offered
in the marketplace to eliminate greed, planned obsolescence,
waste in design, supply chain, manufacturing and delivery.
The above quote is from June 2003 in Col. Harwood's
essay: Free Competition Is Voluntary Co-operation.
Note The New York Times Magazine Oct. 12, 2003 article on farm policy
wherein Michael Pollan relates American obesity to the immoral,
wasteful farm subsidies that produce "unneeded food," and is destroying
third-world farmers by dumping cheap American grain on the global market.
Also note Forbes' Oct. 13, 2003 article on IBM wherein IBM showed a savings of
$3 billion from waste in their supply chain, yet still only aspires to
be a customer oriented entity...a hundred miles from truly customer driven.
[Companies directory]
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Christian Community Companies Inc.
Corporate Leadership
for full sustainable growth and consumer education
GOD-given free enterprises employ the latest technology to conserve
resources, offer full value products and services, eliminate waste
just to begin sustainable growth, as practiced by 3M for a
quarter century to save $857 million and avoid waste fees + fines.
GOD-given free enterprises evaluate and study their complete-full
supply chains; whether energy, components, methods, etc., to ascertain
and manage the fine balance of sustainable growth along
with being responsible for the environment and social needs.
GOD-given free enterprises are responsible for educating consumers
in relevant applications to effect the maximum environmental
benefits and minimized social disruptions to meet the highest ethical
standard and be qualified as having moral marketplace behaviour.
Refer to Nature Conservancy - Winter 2002 article,
"the bottom line redefined"
GE Commercial Finance practices consumer education
while other GE divisions are increasingly developing
eco-friendly products and services to benefit the whole globe.
Note Moral Instruction and Moral Culture attached for
GOD's standard.
Also note the Economist Oct25th 2003 article qualifying
Corporate Leadership
wherein the 1st commandment for successful leaders is an ethical compass.
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Christian Corporate Concepts Inc.
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Christian Corporate Concepts Inc.
Moral Instruction
Part 1
GOD gave Adam a clear command in Gen2:17; 3:3, a basic moral instruction,
which he disobeyed and immediately lost his innocence, so feared + hid from GOD 3:6-10.
GOD made man to be the only earthly creature with a moral consciousness and with a
living soul, but due to Adam Ps51:5 both are corrupted and are separate from Him.
GOD the Son, Jesus Christ, is the access, door, way back to join Him in holy union,
thru obedient faith into full fire baptism, circumcision, refining, washing by Him.
GOD the Word, Jesus Jn1, gives moral instruction to all, His commands to believers, then
tests our moral consciousness (conscience), either accusing or excusing (convict or peace).
GOD desires all believers obey His law (moral instruction) into repentance 2Pet3:9, till we
grow into a "pure conscience" 1Tim3:9 2Tim1:3, "toward GOD" 1Pet2:19; 3:16,21 forever.
GOD does not condemn or convict those believers who obey His voice, leading a few
into Spirit union Acts23:1; 24:16 Rom9:1 2Cor1:1,12 Heb9:8-14; 10:19-22; 12:22,23 forever.
GOD clearly uses our conscience to prod us into His will, but never forces us, tho always
tests our response till very few believers copy the Christ 100% Mat26:37-44 1Jn2:6.

Most believers ignore His voice - ignore the conscience thru the
deceit of common, everyday sin
, so have hardened hearts, even
claiming to be right with GOD (happy in sin) Heb3:7-13 Mat13:41,42,49,50.
[Concepts Directory]
[GOD given conundrum
against a culture of death]
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Christian Cultural Centers Inc.

Christian Cultural Centers Inc.

Moral Culture
GOD created man Gen1:27 to live a moral, abundant lifestyle, but man
totally rejected the Father's sovereignty, so man was cast out of His presence
to be with his own Gen3, also losing the Father's nature, qualities, virtues.
GOD effected a partial transformation-union for His chosen-elect prior to Acts2
who lived in obedient faith according to Gen17 Deut10:16; 30:6 Job1; 2 into
Ex20 Deut5; 11:1,26-28 which became His precept of/for a partial moral culture.
GOD in flesh, Jesus, opened the door to full truth + wisdom from the Father
that thru obedient faith man may be freed of sin Rom6 into 1Jn3-5 to enter
His presence 2Pet1:4,11 Col2:9-14 Heb3:6-4:11; 12:22,23 Eph2:6,18; 3:12; 5.
GOD effects a full transformation-union thru Acts14:22 Job33 into full grace
Jn1:14,17 Rom5:2,17 Eph4:7, the veil being the access Heb8:2; 9:3; 10:19-22 into
the Father's nature, qualities, virtues Mat5:48 to 100% free for His holy culture.
GOD's moral culture is literally His express nature flowing thru sin free subjects,
those in union with Him, trained by His Spirit to create, perform, produce works
worthy of perfect harmony, peace, unity all in accordance with His freedom precepts.
GOD's moral culture flows from truth + wisdom of the Father beginning at the
anointed Jn14 level that His partial virtues begin to glorify His name and
move man into the true light, away from the dark works of this fallen world.
GOD's moral culture flows from His love in offering the Son Is9:6 Jn3:16; 10:9,10
leading to abundance Ps66:8-12, in offering the true Light Jn1 for washing 1Jn1:7,
to grow into Light, Him, Truth, Wisdom, to do the true works of His light.
Note: GOD is proving Democracy Matters.    Democratic Culture
[Cultural Centers directory]
[GOD-given conundrum
against a culture of death]

[dark works]
[chosen-elect] [GOD's freedom or love gospel]
[against His culture] [Freedom's Way]
[evil men appease terror]
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Christian Community Companies Inc.
True Value Machinery
from Responsible Manufacturers

Responsible Manufacturers adhere to basic business principles
in offering true service and full value, 100% contrary to most
US manufacturers who practice greed, planned obsolescence + waste.
Responsible Manufacturers employ the latest technology to extend
the life of machinery, practice voluntary co-operation for full
or maximum customer satisfaction, and pursue full marketplace potential.
Responsible Manufacturers are active in conservation of resources,
in eliminating waste, in establishing innovative technology quickly,
in full service-value education, in moral behaviour, to be Responsible.
Note the WSJ article Nov 5th '03 wherein Toyota "is built
on a relentless drive to eliminate waste," but is yet
to help customers avoid oil changes to save $ thousands,
along with conserving resources and truly eliminating waste.
Also note the IBD article Nov 5th '03 "Innovate or Die," but
in particular its companion article wherein most shun innovation
and then "few companies ever grow successfully, repeatedly" long term.
The IBD's regular Leaders + Success articles include one
describing Heinz "57" wherein Henry was innovative along with
having his customers educated about the products, providing
"generous free samples and convincing money-back guarantees."
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Efficiency Technologies
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GOD, thru His parousia,
promised to rule Is32:1 Jer23:5 Mat2:6 Lk1:33 Rev19:15;
promised to change the world, refer to hundreds of Scriptures;
therefore is now using His people for new technology in the marketplace.
Origin of Maxilube and Diesel Fuel Treatment (DFT)

    The origin of Maxilube and DFT can be traced back to 1988 when OXYPRO started asking "If we can put men on the moon and land machines on Mars, how come we have to change our oil every 3,000 miles -- and our engines still wear out?" A bit of research soon revealed that the technology to prevent wear was in fact available; it was just that nobody wanted to sell it to the public for fear of upsetting the economy of engineered (planned) obsolescence.

    We experimented with applying MAXILUBE directly through carburetors to provide a "top end" treatment to gasoline engines. Carburetors became history after 1988, so we began to develop a formula that would mix easily with gasoline and diesel fuels to provide the top end treatment and clean injector systems as well.
    When most of the sulfur and aromatic hydrocarbons were removed from California's diesel fuel in 1993,

The removal of hydrocarbons from diesel fuel caused engine failures due to
low lubricity. Customers found that DFT resolved this problem altogether.

    After some experimentation and a lot of field testing on our own equipment, we developed a user-friendly non-hazardous non-flammable product we call MAXILUBE Anti-friction Metal Treatment. MAXILUBE allowed doubling engine oil change intervals and tripled machinery life, sometimes extending it indefinitely.

the resulting loss of lubricity caused many failures of injector pumps. OXYPRO immediately began marketing its "top end" treatment as DFT, Diesel Fuel Treatment. The lubricity problems disappeared and our customers have enjoyed the benefits of using DFT ever since.

[His parousia; 1988]
[Inspired Distributing Home Page]
[Maxilube product directory]
Maxilube Product Information Packet
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[PDF (3.8MB)]
To: Erik Paulhardt
From: Alex Poole
Date: Monday, October 13, 2003 15:20:30
Subject: Full Customer Value
CCCInc. Home Page  
Timken Co.,
Canton, Ohio.
Mr. Erik Paulhardt,
General Sales Manager
for industrial equipment
Oct 2003
Full Customer Value
Your company's approach to integrated systems, or bundling, to add value for your customers
can also be seen as first steps against planned obsolescence, which is due to greed.
Your company is right to offer customers true value to extend the life of machinery, whether
a $30,000 vehicle or a $million locomotive, through meeting end-user economies to fight evil P.O.
Your company's next steps to produce the leading, new world standard, or even the "Rolls-Royce"
of all bearings can be achieved by maximizing the efficiency of the lubricant used in your bearings.
Your company's research engineers need to test and evaluate the marketplace's leading lubricant
additive and grease to appreciate its incredible anti-friction and anti-heat qualities. By so doing,
your company will effect Full Customer Value.
Please allow us to forward some testing samples.
Please confirm the name and address of your leading research engineer enabling us to mail samples.
Thank you for your time and effort concerning this matter.
Alex Poole
Managing and Marketing Efficiency Technologies
Inspired Distributing Inc. is a subsidiary of Christian Community Companies Inc.,

This e-mail was also sent to:
Mark Esposito
see Timken file:
To: James Pensiero
From: Alex Poole
Date: Monday, October 13, 2003 14:57:53
Subject: Battling Imports
CCCInc. Home Page  
Wall Street Journal
New York
Mr. F. James Pensiero
Oct 2003
The Bundling article in WSJ Oct7th 2003 as part of "Battling Imports" by Carlos Tejada
offers an obscure or underlying theme that US businesses, in particular manufacturers,
must now face to remain competitive - VALUE.
Timken is offering added value to their product line through combining or bundling
added products or added services to create integrated systems.
This added value is the essential first step to counter or fight against the curse-greed of
planned obsolescence, which is too prevalent in today's inefficient manufacturing and economy.
Timken's long term viability, rather than short term sales, demands it address changing technology
to continue adding true value and to remain ahead of the competition. US businesses and all
manufacturers must eliminate planned obsolescence.
Robert Bristow
Chicago, IL.
To learn more about Christian Community Churches Inc. and its subsidiaries,

This e-mail was also sent to:
Philip Revzin
Carlos Tejada
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Incorporated in Delaware
12539 So. Loomis, Calumet Park, IL 60827
Managing and Marketing Efficiency Technologies
Distributor for:
Inspired IT Services
   Metal Treatment
   (grease and
   Fuel treatment
Charlene Begley
President and CEO
GE Transportation Systems
Erie, PA
Nov 2003
Full Value for Customer/End-Users
Current technology in the marketplace offers your company and other like manufacturers the
opportunity to extend the life of most moving parts from 50-100%, thereby giving your customers
and/or end-users full value products.
Current complacency and greed are costing end-users more than needed when amortizing over
the existing life of their machinery, risking your company's long term viability.
Current global trends are forcing U.S. manufacturers to explore every conceivable option to
maximize profit for themselves, but fail to heed basic business principles in offering true service and
full value to their customers and/or end-users to succeed. Likewise, your company needs to show
corporate leadership by avoiding-eliminating waste oil (Zero Waste Management), together with
educating consumers to save $ thousands in oil changes; again, to succeed.
Please carefully note our correspondence to Timken Co. and The Wall Street Journal from Oct 13th '03
concerning research to be done on Inspired Distributing Inc. products.
Thank You for your time and effort concerning this matter.
Alexander Poole
Please note:
Full Value Products, Corporate Leadership, and Responsible Manufacturing:
Inspired Distributing/Maxilube Anti-Friction Metal Treatment Product Information Packet:
[original as sent, click here for printable version]
Inspired Distributing Inc. is a subsidiary of Christian Community Companies Inc.,

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Zero Waste Management
Inspired Distributing Inc. uses Efficiency Technologies
to assist manufacturers thru co-operative development
that produces full/maximum value products for end-users,
that all benefit in true service and marketplace success.
ID-Maxilube products create an integrated system, progressively:
to reduce fuel costs 5-15%; reduce/eliminate engine waste;
reduce/eliminate carbon residue; apply a superior synthetic lubricant;
install a superior air filter and an oil by-pass filtration unit,
to complete the 4 stage integrated system for Zero Waste Management.

GOD commands us to Save the Environment
Inspired Distributing Inc. is a subsidiary of Christian Community Companies Inc.,
Managing and Marketing Efficiency Technologies

Add Maxilube & DFT
Add Maxilube Add DFT
SAVE $ with MAXILUBE Cost: $58 (16oz. Maxilube + 8oz. DFT)
SAVE: $200-$250

Phase 1 calls for adding MAXILUBE to your engine and transmission, and DFT to your gas tank. The best part is that you do not have to wait for an oil change to get started. Change your oil and air filters every 3,000 miles, and reapply MAXILUBE at half the original rate to safely double your oil change interval. Annual fuel and oil savings of $200-$250.*

* Annual savings calculations are based on 12,000-15,000 miles of driving,
$1.50 per gallon for fuel, and a $25 oil change every 3,000 miles.
[Click here to view the other 3 stages]
Managing and Marketing Efficiency Technologies

DFT Advantages
Diesels using DFT
DFT was originally developed for diesel engines* to clean the injection system,
to burn off carbon residue, to enhance lubricity, all of which
increases mileage, reduces maintenance, and ensures engine longevity.
Consequently, DFT for diesels is essential for cost conscience users of
Agricultural, Construction, and Transportation equipment.

* DFT is equally advantageous for gasoline engines.
Informed Buyers Witness Maxilube Advantages

Diesel engine manufacturers information file:
Superior air and oil filtration for Diesels:
Below are actual smoke test results received from a customer
that performed in-house testing of DFT on his own vehicles.


Click to go to the I-D Home Page INSPIRED DISTRIBUTING Inc.
Incorporated in Delaware
12539 So. Loomis, Calumet Park, IL 60827
Managing and Marketing Efficiency Technologies
Distributor for:
Inspired IT Services
   Metal Treatment
   (grease and
   Fuel treatment
Craig R. Koch
Chairman and CEO
The Hertz Corporation
Park Ridge, NJ
Feb 2004
Full Value Machinery
that lasts years longer and needs fewer to nil oil changes
Your company is yet to benefit from Responsible Manufacturers
that offer Full Value Products using existing technology that has
been ignored, due to the prevalence of evil planned obsolescence.
Your company is yet to benefit from a simple integrated system
that combines anti-friction metal treatment*, fuel system cleaner,
superior air + oil filtration and synthetic oil to eliminate oil changes!
Your company is yet to benefit from true ethics in the
marketplace or full moral behavior by suppliers fully [100%]
committed to product development co-operation + education.
Thank You for your time and effort concerning this matter.
Alexander Poole
*Save your customers $, 5-15% in fuel costs.  
[original as sent, click here for printable version]
Inspired Distributing Inc. is a subsidiary of Christian Community Companies Inc.,

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Craig R. Koch
Chairman and CEO
The Hertz Corporation
Park Ridge, NJ
Feb 2004
Page 2
Please note:
See full Hertz file:
Timken Company file:
Equipment Manufacturers file:
Full Value Products, Corporate Leadership, and Responsible Manufacturing:
Inspired Distributing/Maxilube Anti-Friction Metal Treatment Product Information Packet:

Inspired Distributing Inc. is a subsidiary of Christian Community Companies Inc.,

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Efficiency Technologies
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Hertz Needs to Consider
Saving the Environment,
along with helping its customers save on fuel costs.


Hertz is yet to employ current
technology to benefit the environment,
customers/drivers fuel costs, maintenance
and replacement outlays for its own viability,
and develop a far superior fleet in the marketplace.
Informed Buyers Witness Maxilube Advantages
Click to go to the I-D Home Page INSPIRED DISTRIBUTING Inc.
Incorporated in Delaware
12539 So. Loomis, Calumet Park, IL 60827
Managing and Marketing Efficiency Technologies
722 "O" Street
Sanger, California 93657

Dear Mr. Crawford,
Oct 2003
Maxilube Marketing
GOD impressed upon us the enormous potential for Maxilube which we believe is His instrument, through you, to:
a) divide and separate those manufacturers that pursue planned obsolescence from those willing to follow higher ethical methods;
b) draw forth and prosper the latter group to be part of the Messiah's end-time network of companies under His rule to advance His kingdom, for His glory;
c) witness His kingdom principles in-house and through every business contact globally that His gospel be lived, manifested, taught, Acts5:42, in the marketplace.
GOD impressed upon us, 6-9 months ago, to pray for Him to show us how to penetrate the manufacturing base of those pursuing evil P.O. and establish a consumer or end-user demand for value based manufacturing.
GOD has obviously used WSJ to identify Timken's position in the marketplace, its pressing needs to stay viable for the long term, its adaptability to change to counter global competition and its drive to add value to products through simple technology along with integrating (bundling) systems.
GOD is having us present an answer to their need for long term viability, to their drive for added value, and to challenge their ethical behavior concerning pursuing or fighting evil P.O.; along with a clear challenge to manufacture the best bearings ever.
GOD is also having us contact Caterpillar and other likely Timken customers with the view to generating a solid customer/end-user demand for true value, longer life bearings based on Maxilube advantages.
Alex Poole

And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

Inspired Distributing Inc. is a subsidiary of Christian Community Companies Inc.
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Full Value Products, Corporate Leadership,
and Responsible Manufacturing
eliminate greed, planned obsolescence, and waste in the marketplace.
Caterpillar Company
- Glen A. Barton
- F. Lynn McPheeters
- Sidney C. Banwart
- Daniel Murphy

Cummins, Inc.
- Theodore M. Solso
- Jean S. Blackwell
- John C. Wall

Deere & Company
- Robert W. Lane
- Nathan J. Jones
- David M. Purvis

Eaton Corporation
- Alexander M. Cutler
- Richard H. Fearon
- Kristen M. Bihary
- John Fellows
- Richard F. Corrado
- Mary E. Wood
FedEx Corporation
- Frederick W. Smith
- Alan B. Graf Jr.
- T. Michael Glenn
General Electric
- Jeffrey R. Immelt
- Robert Jeffe
- Gary M. Reiner
- Scott C. Donnelly
- William A. Woodburn
- Dennis Murray
- Stan Kranjc
- Charlene Begley
- Jeffrey DeMarrais
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Rail
- Matthew K. Rose
- Carl R. Ice
- Thomas N. Hund
- John P. Lanigan, Jr.
British Columbia Railway Company
Canadian National Railway Company
Canadian Pacific Railway Limited
CSX Corporation
Norfolk Southern Corporation
Union Pacific Corporation
Harley-Davidson, Inc.
- Jeffrey L. Bleustein
- James L. Ziemer
- William B. Dannehl

JLG Industries, Inc.
- William M. Lasky
- Peter L. Bonafede, Jr.
- Wayne P. MacDonald
- Craig E. Paylor

The Manitowoc Company, Inc.
- Terry D. Growcock
- Timothy M. Wood
- Glen E. Tellock
- Dennis E. McCloskey

Navistar International Corporation
- John R. Horne
- Robert C. Lannert
- Daniel C. Ustian

Terex Corporation
- Ronald M. DeFeo
- Phillip C. Widman
- Brian J. Henry
- Mark T. Cohen
- Colin Robertson
- Fil Filipov
- Kerry O'Sullivan
- Matthys J. de Beer
- Arthur L. Kaplan

Timken Company
- Erik Paulhardt
- Mark Esposito
CIT Rail Resource
- Steve McClure
- George Cashman
- Ken Hofacker
- Richard Latini
- Joseph Mankowski
Automobile Manufacturer