As I studied the Bible, GOD showed me see that all His saints are literally holy. They live, breath, and die for Jesus Christ every day. They are not satan's sinners, who say they are saved, but keep going back to the same old sins. His holy ones do the impossible - they stop sinning - because they live by faith in GOD's power and not their own. The biggest difference I learned was that living in holiness with Jesus is the only way to eternal life. Heb12:14 Rom6:22. Scripture finally settled the issue - no where does it say "ask Jesus into your heart." No where does the Bible indicated that we can cry out to GOD and grab salvation when we feel like it. In fact, the common thread between Old and New were the similarities of the difficulties of living pure before the Holy One. When I began to share with Christians the good news of salvation from sin, I began to understand why Jesus said "all men will hate you for My name's sake." Nobody believed me. Only my brother. My parents and my friends kept warning me about being deceived, but GOD was telling me that this was the narrow way to eternal life, the path that very few find. I decided to believe GOD.
Looking back, the hardest thing about growing into GOD's truth was giving up everything I had ever learned about the Bible. I began to realize just how spoonfed I had been all my life. But where were the Peters, the Pauls, the Davids? No one was living that victorious Christlike life of power in the Spirit. I constantly had to challenge my own beliefs about Christianity with Scripture. GOD made me aware of false beliefs that were based on tradition, and then led me to answers in the Scripture. In prayer one night, I gave up all my understanding of the Bible to GOD. Within three months, my understanding had been transformed 100%.
Another difficulty I faced was speaking GOD's truth while failing to be living free from sin. I would often get, "Tell me one person who doesn't sin." Anyone takes GOD at His word can live like that, but it takes commitment. 1Cor10:13 says so. Even if I was, I would not point to myself, but I believed with all my heart that Jesus would help me overcome every sin like it says in 2Tim4:18. Four years later, He has given me the power to overcome the devil daily!!! By the power in the name of Jesus Christ, when temptation comes, I can say NO every single time, because JESUS LIVES IN ME! Sure, I have few friends, no money, and no job, but I'm 100% in the middle of His will, and am at peace for the first time in my life! I decided to take GOD at His word and be dead to sin like Rom6:11 says. 1Jn3:6 says what it means to be truly "saved," as do hundreds of other Scriptures like Jn15, Rom6;8; but they are too tough to swallow if you want to keep living in comfort, pleasure and sin. Unfortunately, most Christians live and die in sin simply because they don't know they need to live holy. They die without salvation, because they refuse to suffer with Christ, so they will be rejected in the resurrection. Matt7:21-23. GOD will take us there if we believe He will do it Matt19:26 Phil4:13. Faith is refusing to doubt, refusing to say "He won't" or "I can't" and instead trusting His awesome love, and awesome power Prov3:5,6. Although my soul is not presently saved, I fully believe that as I obey the Spirit that GOD will bring me through the refining fire necessary to live in His holy body Zech13:8,9; Luke12:50. The only way to live with Christ is to live (and die) for Christ Jesus as He did for us. My price to pay is small - early morning prayer, diligent Bible study, exercise, fasting, giving up jobs, friends and family. The devil is always crouched, waiting for the opportunity to pounce and destroy my life, but GOD protects me as I set my heart to only obeying Him Ps34:7.
I had a hard time naming someone living who doesn't sin, because I didn't know of any at the time. On April 17, 1999, I met one of GOD's saints when the LORD directed me to Chicago for CCCInc's first corporate meeting. My brother had told me the organization's president, Robert, was an overcomer. I was excited to meet him. I figured he was going to be some kind of superman, but he instead was simply a very neat and tidy homeless man. Robert was little more than skin on bones, and a very young looking for 56 years old. He was impeccably neat and clean. I, much like the Jews of old, had expecting power, but he was just a "bum" (as others refer to him). Now, four years later, I know he is the only apostle-level Christian on earth, a Moses-type living in total sacrifice to the LORD daily, GOD's chosen instrument to glorify His awesome name by praying CCCInc into existence.
II. Prophetic Dreams at West Point
In the early days of my anointing, I maintained a clean conscience towards serving in the military. Presently, I understand such service is honorable, but know that there is a more honorable work in separating from worldly employment to serve Jesus. The change in understand began when I got back to West Point from the CCCInc meeting in Chicago. I distinctly remember the date, April 18th, 1999, as the first time I ever asked the LORD to give me significant dreams. Having prayed "LORD, please give me a dream," before going to bed, at 0200 I awoke at the end of a very vivid dream:
In the dream, I was high above a city that had a grid of streets and many buildings, which all looked to be several thousand feet below me. I had an omniscient view of this colossal structure set high above the earth on 4 towering white columns. The structure was a quarter-mile Olympic track, and it had a couple of unusual characteristics about it. First, the track was unusually narrow, probably about 5 feet wide. Secondly, it was paved with concrete. Third, it's center was cut out, revealing the steep drop to the ground. Neither were there any rails, seats, or support structres besides the four pillars upon which the track rested.
As the dream continued, I found myself standing on structure I had just been omnisciently viewing. I was in my cadet uniform - spit shined black leather shoes, gray trousers, navy class shirt with gray jacket, and a garrison cap with senior-year cadet insignia. Almost immediately my knees began to wobble from fear of heights, so laid down upon my stomach. I remember looking over the side down to the city, breathless from the awesome view of the city. Then I woke up.
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