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Christian Community Companies Inc.

Christian Community Companies Inc.

Mr Lee Nevers
Barrington, IL.
Dear Lee,
Dec '98
GOD had us meet for His purpose, that your faith be uplifted,
enabling you to respond more actively in the near future.
GOD will use your talent in His new business-ministries, as
He insists business funds all His ministry work, copying Paul.

GOD will show you material on the WWW, please have your
"special" friends view it also, and prayerfully seek His lead.
GOD will later have you call Paul Lee, to help in His ventures.
Dear Lee,
Jan '99
GOD, in '86, insisted that all CCCInc. telecommunications be air based, as
land based operations are open to natural or man-made damage or evil.
GOD, in '87, had me write to Bill Bright, in faith, His intent that CCCInc.
own and operate global satellites, to ensure His work continues securely.
GOD is calling you to manage His global satellite based system to network
hundreds of Bible study cells, health care units, schools thru 7 global cities.
GOD's institutions are business funded, NFP's, controlled in Spirit.
PS  GOD desires, wishes all believers enter in, so Eph1:10 "might," 2Pet3:9.
Lee Nevers, 354 Eastern Ave, Barrington, IL  60010
[original file]
[Companies directory]
[His telecommunications] [Eph1:10]
[GOD's space portals will employ Data thru Light Beams]