To: Betsy Hart []

Betsy Hart
Mar 2005
copies to Heritage list
Positive Stream
GOD is showing clear thinking types like Betsy Hart that
His positive stream drew millions of Iraqis to vote,
despite the bombs and threats from the terrorists.
GOD's positive stream will continue to sway clear
thinking types to His opportunities, to His possibilities,
enabling even more millions to work for freedom.
GOD's positive stream compels the moral types to
advance His agenda, to resist evil, to identify
Freedom Principles, to support all freedom lovers-workers.
GOD's positive stream will continue another 7 years,
for a total of 12 years (2000-2012), effecting His agenda
thru many nations, all promised in His holy inerrant word.
 Robert Bristow
[GOD must Liberate Arabia]
"Iraqi voters proved me wrong - and I couldn't be happier"
by Betsy Hart in The Chicago Sun-Times, Feb 6, 2005.
(Printable version)
P.S. to Betsy Hart: from Heritage file
GOD is awakening your heart to truth, in that your Sun-Times piece of June 6th '04 tells us that you are just now realising the great gulf of America's cultural divide.
GOD is judging this nation, as never before, to respond to His law, His values,
His way, in short, His full gospel.
GOD, progressively, will drive a wedge between the moral seekers and those
on the left who care only for individual rights. This will continue for some years
(several presidential elections), then He will take away His grace to test-judge
USA very clearly (in the open) 2Chronicles32:31 Jeremiah23 Ezekiel34 Matthew23
into Rev19:15.
GOD always judges "teachers" more harshly, in that they KNOW and are supposed to share ALL; this, today, particularly applies to the media.
GOD in flesh, Christ, was the most positive MAN who walked this earth;
negative attitudes, laws, ways are of satan.
GOD, for some years, will infuse a positive stream thru US society, as seen in
the 80's: Note The Wall Street Journal's "The Reagan Restoration" - June 7, '04,
to see the vast left wing negative, destructive media today that are misleading USA.
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GOD's Moron Majority
GOD is using ordinary citizens as His moron majority to
receive His positive stream of ideas and share them, that
His free-market principles spread thru all vocations/believers, that
His networked workers become active facilitators for His agenda globally.
GOD's moron majority participate in His moral culture
and adhere to His moral instruction, enabling them to know
the right way, being His counter to the proud, elite liberals,
and being His conservative, thinking, policy-conscious participants.
GOD's ways are hidden to most "believers" due to unrepentant sin,
blind-deluded-lost 2Cor4:4 2Thes2:7-12; 1:8,9 2Pet2 Jude 1Jn3:8,10,
but His moron majority "see thru" the contempt-guide of satan thru
the church, gov't, judiciary, media, non-profits, business, as of satan's rule.
Karl Zinsmeister in WSJ Sept 2 2004 "Dem de la Creme"
or e-mail Karl of the American Enterprise -
Betsy Hart and Mary Mitchell are becoming
media-based thinkers rather then ignorant liberals.

    In this election, the plebs were more mature than the elites:

    For many of us, the war is also a moral issue, and the (others) are on the wrong side of it, standing not with the women voting proudly in Afghanistan's first election but with the amoral and corrupt U.N.

... along with the amoral countries
that refused to support the opposition to world terror.
The above was excerpted from "Condescending Dems still don't get it" by Mark Steyn
The Chicago Sun-Times - Sunday, November 7, 2004
[liberal lady columnists: Marin, Pickett, and Geyer]
[Cultural Centers directory]
[CCCInc. Particpants' Activities]
Claudia Rosett [], George Melloan [],
Thomas Donlan [], Dennis Bakke []

Claudia Rosett, Opinion Journal
George Melloan, WSJ
Thomas Donlan, Barrons
Dennis Bakke
April 2005
copies to Heritage list
GOD's Special Nurturing
Dear Learned Writers,
GOD is using businesses, nations, global sectors to accomplish
His agenda, His goals thru His free-market principles to benefit
a) His flock, b) other Bible believers, c) the lost, d) all mankind,
eg the British infrastructure, one common language, etc, helps all Indians.
GOD's positive stream is drawing many back to Bible truth,
to cleaner, healthy, repentant lifestyles, to participate in
His institutions, to sacrifice and serve in order to know Him,
to participate in His management Is9:6,7, to share His love.
GOD's special nurturing of His flock from 2000-2017 is akin
to His Hand on the USA and His Mat24:14 evangelism,
ensuring right-minded leaders guide-sustain His law
that His flock benefit, grow, prosper to witness His love.
GOD, from Jan 2017, repeats the 1960 spiritual dryness
to refine-test His flock to refuse satan thru the elite;
but most fail, giving consent to Dan7:25 Rev13:16; 18,
yet His chosen, few, saints overcome all Rev3:9-12 into 20:6.
in Christ's love,
Robert Bristow
[E-mail + Response directory]
[GOD's work from 2017]
(Printable version)
[chosen-elect] [holy ones]
[GOD Ordains Few]
GOD's positive stream is showing the clear minded
economists and foreign aid thinkers that the $trillions
spent have largely been wasted and much is in Swiss accounts.
GOD's NGOs are perfectly positioned to more efficiently
change the corrupt foreign aid process into a far superior,
success oriented, business funded development assistance program.

    Economies are built from the ground up, by entrepreneurs who have ideas and are willing to take some risks to start a business and make it grow. If the business is legal, governments can contribute mainly by staying out of the way, something they are not inclined to do in many poor countries.
    Governmental institutions have a different incentive structure from private firms. Private-sector workers are rewarded for problem solving. The public sector has no such incentive because the continued existence of the problem keeps them budgeted and in business.

CCCInc. Note: Hence the work of World Vision
is more effective than gov't bodies.

Economic freedom is the handmaiden of
the modern world's political freedom
because it empowers individuals.
Excerpted from "Really Helping the Poor Would Be a Welcome Change"
by George Melloan in WSJ Mar 22, 2005.
GOD used an NGO,
Rotary Int., to spearhead
the eradication of polio in 1985; it has
disappeared from the Americans, Europe and the Western Pacific.
Read: "Polio and Rotary" in WSJ April 12 2005.
GOD's positive stream
is drawing Bible believers to stand for Him,
and copy the early church.

    ''In Ohio, the church is awakening to its historic role as the moral voice in the community,'' said Colin A. Hanna, president of Let Freedom Ring, a conservative group based in Pennsylvania that trains ministers in political activism. ''Ohio is in the vanguard of that nationally."
    In a recent meeting of leaders from some of the state's largest churches, many of them in booming Republican suburbs, the Restoration Project issued a blueprint calling for Patriot Pastors to register 500,000 new voters by the May 2006 primary, then inform and energize them with voter guides, rallies and so-called e-prayer networks on the Internet.

Excerpted from "Movement in the Pews Tries to Jolt Ohio"
by James Dao in The New York Times Sunday, March 27, 2005.
Acts5:42..the 1st century traders + factories
were in/by the home, so today
the verse refers to the marketplace.

Acts17.. 17 Therefore he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and with the Gentile worshipers, and in the marketplace daily with those who happened to be there.

Read: Acts18:1-11 1Cor4:11,12; 9
Media Elite Admits to being Clueless
GOD's positive stream is challenging the elite to
recognise truth, intellectually forcing them "get it".

    Since the election, I've been feeling more and more clueless about the realities of American life. I've always known that living in a city, being single, not having a car and not attending a church took me out of the Midwestern mainstream.

The above was excerpted from "Taking the Blue Line, a little red-state shopping"
by Debra Pickett - Chicago Sun-Times - Friday, November 19, 2004
Bush pushing diplomacy, not compromise
in Chicago Sun-Times - Friday, November 19, 2004
[see complete file]
Georgie Anne Geyer
Mar 2005
Historic Perceptions
GOD's positive stream is producing some clear minded writing
for the moral seekers, the freedom lovers, Bible believers, and
clarifying the issues and policies in the spreading of democracies.
"The Neocon Reader," Edited by Irwin Stelzer, is one.
Sol Schindler, a retired foreign service officer, is well qualified
to offer a fine critique in WSJ L+A Mar 3 2005.

    It is in the field of foreign policy, however, that the neoconservatives have become both famous and infamous. Most look to Theodore Roosevelt as a model. He once wrote: "Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may...ultimately require intervention by some civilized the exercise of an international police power."
    If a person commits a criminal act, he should be held accountable for it. If a country commits criminal acts in violation of international law, and then tells the world to go to hell 17 times, that country should be held accountable too.

Read: "Non-Stop Turbulence" by Robert D. Kaplan
OPINION - The Wall Street Journal - Monday, March 14, 2005
"....What happened to history?" by Victor Davis Hanson,
pointing out the cultural ignorance, indifference, even the
outright negligence to history and the understanding of our ancestors'
sacrifice and service.
Chicago Tribune May 6, 2005
Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow and historian at the Hoover Institution
at Stanford University. E-mail:
Note the Commentary in Chicago Sun-Times Nov 5 '04.
The likes of Debra call for President Bush to compromise
all his values to be a type of Chamberlain uniter
that Britian loved in the 30's that encourages evil.
Note the column in Chicago Sun-Times Nov 5 '04.
The likes of Georgie totally fail to comprehend the moral
value of freeing the slaves of fascism-totalitarianism and
to comprehend the weapons risk to all humanity as was
described in the 9/11 Commission and the Deulfer reports.
Note the Commentary in Chicago Tribune Nov 5 '04.
GOD's positive stream will produce conservative presidents
in 2008 and 2012 in accordance with His work
as explained in Scripture and His dictated material
on the Christian Communities Churches Inc. web-site.
GOD, from 2017, will allow man's choice, a liberal
elite; to rule fom the White House, to change His law,
to persecute His servants, to test the faith and obedience
of His church, to usher in the decline of US history.
GOD has given some a window to truth: Huntington's
"Clash" is only held back by His grace, love, power thru
His conservative believers; Charles Colson alluded to
the US losing the war; others clearly see closure.
GOD will allow satan to rule again bringing; White House
treason disguised as appeasement, failure to oppose terror,
betrayal of Israel, Taiwan, etc., endorsement of fascist types,
all due to man rejecting GOD and His kingdom principles,
...2Tim2 and 3.
PS to Debra: 
GOD obviously used Zafra Lerman
to share moral fact thru Malta One, as simply
put; His truth trumps trash, or
His values trump politics.
Sunday Lunch with Zafra Lerman
in Sunday's Sun-Times Nov 7 '04.