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Inspired Distributing Inc. was incorporated for the express purpose of furthering the global mission of Christian Community Churches Inc.: a Christ-like organization for teaching full Bible truth in all fields of peaceful endeavor, and to network all other like-minded entities, and to supply volunteers for arts, farms, medical, rehab., etc.

Not slothful in business;
fervent in spirit, serving the LORD. Rom12:11
Inspired Distributing Inc.
is a subsidiary of
Christian Community Companies Inc.
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Christian Community Companies Inc.
is a wholly owned subsidiary of Christian Community Churches Inc., to
operate solely for, and controlled by Christian Community Churches Inc. Delaware USA for Bible teaching, business training
and supplying products and services in accordance with Biblical precepts Is11; 12; 25-27; 40-45; 48-55; 60-66; Jer23:1-8; 30;
31; 33; Ezek34; 36; 37:15-28; Micah3:8-5:6 in love, 1Cor13, through Bible believing associate organizations with staff and
volunteers qualified through GOD's word, Acts24:14-16 James1:27; 1John2:22; 4:1-3, having completed personal Bible study
number two and tithing one tenth to Christian Community Churches Inc. in Chicago, Bombay, Capetown, Hong Kong,
London, Mexico City or Sydney Malachi3:6-12; Mat17:27.
The corporation By-laws are without amendment into perpetuity, forever, to be enforced by the Elders and Directors
forever, Rom8:1-23 2Cor4:11-8:9 1Thes1-2Thes3 Heb1-11 1John2:6; 3-5 Rev5:1-8:12; 11; 16:15-20; 17:14; 19; 20 with all
associate organizations' management, staff and volunteers subject to said Bible references and By-laws based upon official
Christian Community Churches Inc. translations and Bible tests. All future Elders and Directors or Trustees will be appointed
by existing Elders and Directors and only if qualified by Christian Community Churches Inc. official Bible tests at the
overcomer level. So all 7 CCCInc. companies and all associate organizations are strictly controlled by
qualified Christian Community Churches Inc. Elders and Directors.
[Business Opportunities]
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Christian Community Companies Inc.
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GOD's Seven Candlesticks
GOD's true businesses are directed by His beloved level
as Moses and Paul, 100% led by the Spirit, as Christ Rom8:29;
and Jn15 level, the minor prophets Eph3:17b-19a; 4:13c.
GOD's true businesses are managed by His Jn14 level,
obeying His given agenda thru the directors to grow;
into Christ Eph4:15 1Jn2, into overcomers 1Jn3:9; 5 Rev2; 3.
GOD's true businesses obey His voice Heb3:6-6:11 to ensure:
all products and services manifest His love gospel;
all mankind is affected thru Babylon, His golden cup Jer51:7.
GOD's true businesses fund all 7 CCCInc companies work
in church, arts, medical, rehab, schools, etc., so
fulfilling His promises to establish and grow His family.
GOD's true businesses produce pure ethics or godly virtues
or Holy Spirit enhanced free enterprises, as controlled by
GOD-given freedom to follow and obey GOD's truth;
never fully attained in authorities or capitalistic entities
which coerce or compel an outward virtue or illusion to
piety, so never free inwardly or outwardly to love all;
which are GOD's virtues thru His entities, "love for all mankind."
[Corp. Docs.]
[Faith Working by Love]
[GOD's divine plan]
[Fin. Reports]
GOD's 7 Candlesticks

The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven candlesticks which you saw are the seven churches.     Rev1:20
After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up.     Acts15:16

Refer to Zech3 & 4
[CCCInc. Home Page]
[Participants' Activities]
[Companies General Info.]
#1 - Christian Community Churches, General Info Christian Community Churches Inc:  GOD's 7 Candlesticks Home Page #2 - Christian Corporate Concepts Inc. #3 - Christian Community Companies Inc. #4 - Christian Community Centers Inc. #5 - Christian Care Centers Inc. #6 - Christian Cultural Centers Inc. #7 - Christian Commodities Co-operatives Inc.
CCCInc. Home Page
GOD's Seven Candlesticks
GOD's true institutions are established by Him Ps127:1,
whether His church or arts, business, medical, rehab, schools, etc;
as He works around sinners, partly thru Jn14 level anointed-ungodly,
fully thru His Jn15 level servants and thru His beloved sons.
GOD's true institutions adhere to His agenda to qualify into
His CCCInc. global network annually, since all staff and
volunteers must individually complete His dictated Bible test
to retain their respective position (and income) Mat19:17 Heb5:9.
GOD's true institutions witness His moral love (Jn3:16) to all mankind;
ever sharing Mat5-7 Acts2-20 Rom1:16-18 enabling Spirit evangelism,
Spirit conviction into soul salvation Jn16:8-11 1Cor12:3,7,13 Col2,
Spirit manifesting into guarantee Jn14:15-26 2Cor1:20-22; 5 Gal5.
[GOD's true team, leaders]
GOD's true institutions: whether business,
church, hospital, school, etc.,:
(a)only employ Bible believers,
proven annually;
(b)teach Jesus 7 days a week
in mandatory Bible studies
Ps119 Acts5:42; 15:16;
(c)offer products, services to support life,
teach love and truth Gal5; 6.