GOD, many years ago, called you to a Christian mlm business, but you chose
a hastily conceived, worldly, profit oriented operation, that He refused to bless.
GOD is now calling you to renew your efforts, but following His business plan, with
a Spirit filled (Jn14 level) team, and marketing only Jn14 level lay and clergy.
GOD's mlm is for His disciple Acts2:4; 5:32; 9:17 level, or 1Jn2:27 level, that He
enables His workers 501c3 status, so not supporting worldly sin, or freed from sin.
GOD's mlm will fund ACSI, Campus Crusade for Christ, SA, and WV type ministries, without begging.
GOD's mlm or network marketing is His self-employment tool as we trust His supply,
so thru faith we fund ministry and personal needs, copying Paul 1Cor4:12 2Thes3:6-12.
GOD's mlm reduces staff costs for Jn14 level clergy, doctors, teachers, etc, enabling His true
institutions attract 100% volunteers whom He is qualifying to be His finest workforce.
GOD's mlm participants must qualify annually thru CCCInc. Bible tests thru FGBMFI
for all lay, and WV for all clergy, via WWW online system, ensuring global simplicity.
GOD's mlm participants pay-50% start up, ensuring +50% of GP to CCCInc. for teaching and services.
GOD's mlm's prime purpose is teaching His total truth, His complete inerrant word,
100% contrary to past 1900 years, tho allowed by Him Acts20:29,30 2Pet2 1Jn2:18,19.
GOD's mlm will distribute: an approved Bible, a Strong's concordance, Berry's interlinear NT
to prove basic truth, lost and currently mistaught by today's Judas church Gal1:8,9.
GOD's mlm will distribute material by Jn14 level min. to ensure Spirit control
of books, audio-visual, cards, etc, as His teaching tools must be qualified by Him alone.
GOD will expand His mlm to carry many commercial products and services Rev18.